30 November 2009

Full Cold Moon Dreaming

One of the things I love about the web is the synchronicity of it. An interesting little thread leads to another stimulating post and to still more. Ideas flow. Curiosity reigns. Creativity often hidden, blooms and flourishes!

Last month, I came across Jamie Ridler's site and was introduced to her Full Moon Dreamboards. I LOVE the Moon, especially when he is Full, (and talkative) and tonight he is especially beautiful. And "Dreamboards"? Very intriguing! This felt like a creative endeavour that was worth trying, one worth reviving this little inactive site so I could participate!

So many beautiful and varied submissions did Jamie receive for the Full Frost Moon that there were oodles of ideas on how to proceed. But what would work for me? A trip to the art store was in order! (Any excuse.)

Intending to buy bristol board, I came away with a large 11x15 watercolour pad and the same size art book. Confused as to which side of me won out: the artist wannabee who received the artbooks and watercolour pencils; or the practical gal who couldn't fathom where to store these (to be) completed posters but knows where a pad or book could live; I realized that a perfect win-win situation was found and all of me left happy!

My first Full Moon Dreamboard:

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With Christmas in mind, thoughts wrap around my tree to clarify this month. Full Moons are the perfect decor. Nutcrackers stand guard and make me smile as I start to bring out my own collection from their long stretch of storage. Books call to me to be read: "Pick me, pick me!"

The second full moon in a month is relatively rare and is called a Blue Moon. So I am looking forward to the next FMD, to using the phrase on New Year's Eve "once in a blue moon" as often as possible and to singing along with Dino!

Thanks to Jamie for this fun idea, and to everyone for the motivation to join you in Full Moon Dreaming.