30 March 2012

Paint Party Friday - Week 3, Year 2 - New Flower Journal

Back to cold weather here, after that glorious taste of Spring (almost Summer) we had a week ago. That lovely hint made me long for flowers...

Until they start to arrive, I decided to create a new watercolour flower journal and dug out old photos from my garden to use as "models"

Aging Parrot Tulip


Has your garden "sprung" yet? Do you paint it?

Have a great Paint Party Friday!

Oh and I saw my first robin almost two weeks ago (Yay!) so time to change my header and have my little robin back to visit with us...

Good-bye for now...

 Hello Robin!

Have a great week!

18 March 2012

Sunday Sketches - Sketching with Sharpies

I started (another) new journal this week - a little Strathmore Visual Journal to create "Sharpie" art. I first saw Sandy Coleman use Sharpies to create art and I thought I'd give it a try for Sunday Sketches with Sophia at Blue Chair Diary.

Skipping the pencil and just playing with the pens. here are a few that I have done so far...

"Psychedic Joy"
(that lighter yellow is the green below - odd the colours didn't scan better)


I'm finding these fun so far! Hope you have a great day and I will visit when I can which may be a bit late if it is as gorgeous a day as forecast!.

16 March 2012

Paint Party Friday - Year 2, Week 1 - Trying an Abstract

Year 2 of Painting regularly! Still hard to believe at times.... It is so much fun to share the painting experience with all of you at Paint Party Friday! It definitely helps to keep me painting.

One of the things I often admire are abstracts. They look so easy and yet for me to create, seem so challenging! So this week I bought a few canvas boards to just try and play around with creating an abstract painting. Of the three I started, this one feels finished to me:

Abstract #1 by EVA

I even like it sitting in my living room. A black frame might go nicely...

I also did some more work on a WIP I started earlier this year. This is where I left it:

WIP - Feb2012

This is where I am now:

Wheat Fields - WIP?

Is it finished? I am not sure and could use your advice. (What amazing advice I have had from everyone on previous occasions. Thanks again!) 

I printed out several photocopies and started playing with ideas. What do you think of its future? As is? Or with one of the following variations?

 With birds?  (I think I am leaning towards these.)
Or hills?
Or both?

With pine trees?

With deciduous trees?

With a cabin?

Or something else? I'd love your advice and feedback! Thanks!

Hope you have a great time at PPF and had fun painting this week!

09 March 2012

Paint Party Friday - Week 52!!

A full year of Paint Party Friday is complete! Wow!!! What a year! More painting was accomplished this past year by me, than in any other year of my life!

Many thanks to my partner in PPF, Kristin, and to all of you who have visited PPF and especially my little blog and provided so many warm and wonderful words of support and encouragement. T H A N K   Y O U !!

This week I painted many more dots but I still am not finished this darn pointillist painting I set aside last year.  I will eventually finish and show it after I add yet more dots........

I also came across a quote made me laugh - by Winston Churchill - and decided to paint an art journal page about it! (Bizarre things inspire me sometimes...)

Painting - pre-writing

"We are all worms. But I do believe that I am a glow-worm."
Winston Churchill

What about you - are you a glow worm? I might be sometimes but not consistently enough. (And also funny - Thursday's Full Moon was the "Full Worm Moon"! Talk about timing! lol)

I also thought I would try a monthly spread/agenda for March a la Kathryn Wheel. I used four leaf clover post it notes over a painted surface for the pattern, then painted over them and added definition. Not so sure what I think of this little exercise - I will see at month end if I use it and want to try again...

I hope you have a fabulous time at the party! I thought I'd leave you with some drinks and treats I "created" over the past two years...     ;)


I'll be by over the weekend to visit all of you lovely partyers! Have fun!!

02 March 2012

Paint Party Friday - Week 51 - A New Art Journal

Hi Paint Party Friday Partyers! I hope you had a great week!

This week I managed to succesfully finish Ayala Art's 29 Faces in February Challenge. Yay! (Want to see the 29 faces I created?)  And I was a little too pooped out to do much painting...   :(

I still managed to do a little painting (though not on canvas). For a while now, I have been wanting to start a few new small art journals. Yes, plural. One to play around in with miscellaneous thoughts and notes, and another for quotes. I haven't started the quotes one yet but I have several quotes talking in my head that want images and paintings, so soon I will get going on it.

I started playing with circles, and this is where it took me....

Painting - pre-writing

Painting/Journal Page with some ink added for definition and writing...

Some one I met years ago said: The quality of your life is determined by the questions you ask yourself. And this page is starting to think about those questions. I will likely write more for myself later.

Hope you got lots of painting done that I can visit over the weekend! Have a great time at PPF.

(Can you believe it is already March?!! Where does that time go?!)