21 December 2012

Paint Party Friday - December Art Journal so far...

How can it be Christmas in less than a week? This year has flown by so quickly! I sure haven't painted as much as I would have liked... :(

Oh well - on to a better effort in 2013! I decided late last month to create a journal for December, combining some art with some reflection on the year that is almost complete - painting on one page and journaling on the back sides about the questions asked in Reverb 2012.

I also prepped 6 canvases with great intentions but so far no follow-through... Here are some of the journal paintings that I have done so far... I started off well but have fallen behind after being busy with speaking at a conference and Christmas parties and shopping activities. 

Ornaments (I need a better watercolour red...)

5 "Calling" Birds - they called to me to be painted...

A broken off poinsetta



Treetop angel

Tree (using ink paint brush)


I want to wish all of you a very Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! Merry Christmas! (And of course a happy PPF!)