22 February 2010

Music and Home Melding in My Mind and on the Page

Another week and another 7 days of little creations. Hope you all had a great creative week! This week I had a few songs, and rhymes stuck in my head. So I tried to play with those. As I write this blog post, I am playing with some links to go with those thoughts and these images of mine!


As you can see, The Beatles "Yellow Submarine" was the first song.  I'm still humming it! (Argh!)

Tuesday: Next was a rhyme or Nursery Tale - but my version looks nothing like the old boots I usually see! This is an old lady who got her home (and style) back in the '70s! And now her home is back in style!


Wednesday: Back (way back) to songs, and this one kept creeping in while I was thinking of the theme Home.-


Thursday: There were a number of road songs that also came to mind. So many ways to live life on the road or Highway...


Friday: While there were doghouse songs, this one wasn't inspired by them. It just jumped in and gave me a chance to play more with Zen doodles.


Saturday: Thinking of dogs made me think of cats. Favourite places within a house are where cats feel most at home: Here is one of them (with a bit of a zentangle flavour.)


Sunday: I guess I wasn't done with music. A happy home often exudes it...


Also this week, I continued my work on creating a fit body and exercised five times. I also continued working on creating a clean, less cluttered home and finished the drawers and shelves in the upstairs bathroom. I went to see others' creativity again - this time to my daughter's Art Teacher's photo exhibit. Awesome!!  Unfortunately nothing on the web to link to that I could find. I tried a new Challenge with my "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" post.  

A few weeks ago, Upsidedown B posted her evolution of headers, so I thought I would change mine. I loved that starfish from Virgin Gorda, so I didn't want to make a dramatic change. For now I am going with a variation of that theme.

I'm not sure I am in love with this so I suspect it will continue to evolve, but it is a start! I love Bee's idea! Have any of the rest of you evolved your blog header? Have you posted about it? If you do, I'd love to see them so please comment and let me know!

Hope you all have a productive and creative week ahead! Thanks for your comments here. I'm looking forward to seeing your new efforts!


  1. I adore the musical home. Lovely. Made me smile and want to sing.... thank you!

  2. so much beautiful work. i'm inspired by all your creations!

  3. You have been so busy creatively! Love the zentangles especially. Wouldn't have thought to use them in animal! Great idea!

  4. I love your starfish! When I first saw the banner I was very attracted to the starfish:)

  5. I am coming here from CED ... I love seeing your week progress and the musical thoughts in your head! When I did a silent meditation retreat, I was dismayed to find my head was filled with t.v. sitcom theme songs! Upon waking, jingles would fill my mind - AARGH! Now I should exorcise them through drawings :)

    Your starfish is lovely by the way

  6. You had a very productive week--love your music inspired art! I especially like the kitty drawing.


Looking forward to hearing from you!