25 May 2010

A page from my Gardening Journal

Not the best page but the most recent.....

I started this journal, using more than pencil and pen, this year. I have another that I would make notes in and draw beds and where I planted things etc. After starting the FAKE journal and doing all my CED2010 creations, I thought I'd start a new one with more colour. Other entries even include real flowers lacquered to the page. 

Are you a gardener? Do you keep a journal? Is it like my old one and just pencil? Or like my new one with colour?

I should have taken a photo of that bed - pre-weeding and pre-drawing! Filled with grasses and other invasives, it took almost a full day to clean it up and it's only a 6x3 foot length! I had better luck the next day and finished another  3 1/2 sections. The soil was so dry, I'm sure I'll have to work some more as I no doubt didn't get all the grass roots out.

Earlier this week I planted these in my planters by my backyard stairs but I only wrote in description. Later I will draw in the plants.

I need to go back to my old journal and add in the names of some existing plants - see what's survived and what I've lost over the years.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea, Eva! You could paste the seed packets or pictures of the plants and draw them...sounds like fun. And when winter comes...
    there it will be... a nice fat summery book!


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