15 July 2010

Travel Journal Cover and LIFE

Do you find art journaling fascinating? I do! I look at some of your work - those of you who post art journals  - and shake my head and go "Wow!" I want to try that too! And I am taking baby steps. I have started several journals on various themes and even started some pages. Nothing that feels complete enough to show yet though. But - I digress....

Tuesday I did the cover for my new "Travel/Passport Journal". I just renewed my passport and thought it would be fun for it to have a travelling companion and since I am going away next week (albeit on business - so not much sightseeing will be done), this was THE time to start it. Lots of ideas mulled around my head and I finally collaged the cover. Images include the cover of my passport (barely visible) and an altered version of the cover of my favourite book. I altered the little guy on the cover so he looked more like me when I travel - usually black pants, black turtleneck, a nice belt and a long jacket. My daughter saw the cover and went "OMG  Mom - that is so you!!" I guess it captured me after all!  

So - advice anyone? I have a few questions:
  • What glue works best for collage? Any tricks?
  • Should I have lacquered it? I looks a bit odd but I thought it would last better.
  • Does collage need to be sealed?
BTW if you haven't read my favourite book, it is a veritable treasure of life's wisdom and is much more for adults than children, in my humble opinion. I keep copies in my office to pull out when someone is stuck or in need and we read it out loud! Hmmm - seeing as the theme for CED2010 is LIFE this month - mentioning this book seems so appropriate!

Do you keep a travel journal?

*** (later the same day....)***

Oh, the wonderful Lisa of Priti Studio has reminded me that this week's Illustration Avenue challenge is BOOKS. I had been thinking of two little creations I did earlier this year but the above post is new and about books. D'uh. Funny - I read about the challenge then totally set it aside. So I guess it inspired my post on a subconscious level! Thanks Lisa for pointing it out and reminding me!! (Oh so talented AND helpful!)

One of the things that for me, makes a house a home is books and this was my way of showing that!

These days though, my new books are on my Kindle and it is so blissful to have so many at my fingertips!

What about you - have you switched to an e-reader and has it diminished or increased your love for books?


  1. Oh Eva...I love this (and all Dr.Suess)Book!
    My kids had some of the books memorized before they could read...so many good lessons.
    ANYWAY...please tell me you are entering this or your previous post in Inspiration Avenue's challenge this week. Either one would be a great addition for us. (the challenge is "books")
    I would be tempted to do it for you, tee hee...but I wouldn't know which to choose, or if you would want the traffic :)
    Here's the link:



  2. Thanks Lisa for reminding me! I read that the theme was "books" then totally forgot on a conscious level! I just added more to this post and will submit it. Thank you!

  3. I have to admit, I never read the book but your journal looks great! I don't journal either. lol. I tried for Creativity Boot Camp but didn't do very well with that aspect of the course.

    I have a co-worker that journals daily and he has asked me to draw something in his journal so my artwork will be around forever. lol. Haven't done it yet, but it sounds fun so I just may take him up on it.

  4. I dream of being able to stick with a creative journal but they always end up as lists of things to do and not very creative at all! I'm in awe of people who can stick with it and create! I do keep sketch books but they aren't the same thing--I work in them, I do assignments and yes even creative stuff, but they aren't journals...sigh cheers! Stephanie CED

  5. I really like your collage Eva, and your book drawings - traditional and modern version!

    I mostly use ordinary white glue (PVA) for my collage work, and seal it with artist's matt varnish, though occasionally I use Mod Podge. Sealing will make it more resistant to moisture and dust/dirt over time. Hope that's some help!

  6. you are speaking my language friend-I love how many children's books hold such profound wisdom for adults; one of my favorite pasttimes is to read "kids" books!

  7. I am so resistant to change sometimes...I am not sure I would like the kindle. But since I don't travel, I guess I don't need one. I like to pass my books on...a lot of people would be disappointed :)

  8. Sadly, I haven't any experience with journaling so I can' help but thanks for submitting for this challenge.


Looking forward to hearing from you!