22 August 2010

Sunday Sketching 22August2010 "Capturing Sunflowers"

A little sunny something done today for Sophia at Blue Chair Diary's Sunday Sketches:

and another done earlier from a photo taken during that photo walk in the sunflower field!

Make sure to check out the fun and amazing Sunday Sketches everyone did and join in!


  1. Hey Hey Hey!! I love the photographer with the sunflowers. What a brill idea! :) Thank you so much for joining us again this week. Hugs!

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Great piece for Sunday sketches! Love the photographer that's a great figure sketch! The sunflower is gorgeous too well done! :0)

  3. What a great piece Eva! I am amazed at the photographer - you have captured her pose perfectly, figures are really difficult for me. I have trouble with arms and legs.

    Great to see you this week. You know I am such a huge fan of your zendoodles!


  4. as a photographer and artist I really enjoy this piece, how fun! Great for Sunday Sketches, so lovely that you joined us.


Looking forward to hearing from you!