02 August 2010

Very Late Posting - Busy Week Away

A full week late posting my little CED2010 updates for the 19th-25th of July but as they say : "Better late than never!" (At least I'm going with that.)

I find it is very difficult to do something creative, like I have been doing, while I am away on business This trip was to VERY busy conference and I was doing creative things there - interviewing people for the organization holding the conference. I, and my questions, will be edited out of the resulting videos when they are done but it was a novel and enjoyable experience to create these. I had 26 people in front of the cameras and it will be fascinating to see what the camera and sound wizards do with the content! That seemed more than enough but I did do my seven little creations for the week. I'm just very late posting them!!



Wednesday: Thinking about a friend's father who used to collect four-leaf cover bouquets for his wife!





On to last week now!

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