18 October 2010

Pink and RED

This week in my CED2010 creations there were two undercurrents. The EARTH theme was not generating any  ideas for me but Illustration Avenue's Weekly Challenge was Pink so I started working with my Pink Pens and that kept me going/creating for the first part of the week. On Friday the movie RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) came out and as I was reading the review, with photos, I decided to try to sketch the actors. They finished off my week. I'm trying to get better at sketching but these really don't look like Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren or Morgan Freeman much. Oh well.... practice, practice, practice...








As always, scanned pencil sketches are more visible when you double-click on the image. BTW RED was quite enjoyable! Great cast and a fun way to spend a Saturday evening. It's been awhile since I've been to the movie theatre.

Hope you have a great creative week!


  1. I do so enjoy seeing your week of sketches. I love the pink ribbon, the heart inside, it all came to be just lovely.
    and I of course love the cat...and it's PINK, awesome. good job on the actor sketches, too!

  2. Nice, something for each day of the week.

  3. Your sketches are amazing! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog and so happy to have found yours!

  4. Wow--you had a productive week! Your sketches are great--I especially like Wednesday's.

  5. Continued to be amazed by your wonderful creative energy. And I'm loving every bit of your pink zentangle. So neat!

    Also noted of your pages for the Sketchbook Project. You're doing really well with it. I'm only up to 10 pages. Still a fair bit to go.

    As of The Red Book - it is amazing and really gives me a lot of insight of how Jung has developed his theory. And it's also opened my eyes to the artistic side of this great man. He's very meticulous about this calligraphy and maybe I'll give it a try as well.

    Again, thanks for the support and encouraging comment. :D

  6. These are lovely, my fave is the first one, Eva!


Looking forward to hearing from you!