20 November 2010

AEDM Day 20 "Incognito"

No tree today! The theme for Inspiration Avenue's Weekly Challenge is "Incognito" and that's the inspiration for today's little creation:

This is a lovely group to participate in and the entries close Sunday noon if any of you AEDMers need an idea for today or tomorrow!!


  1. Is that a sheepish wolf or a wolfish sheep... don't know about you but I'm not going near enough to find out! Great sketch Eva and very clever :)

  2. Fab submission Eva - I've known a few of these in my time lol! ;)

  3. This is a great take on this week's challenge. I came over from inspiration avenue and love your art piece. The ultimate incognito!

  4. This is great Eva! A wolf that is just a lamb inside is always a happy surprise!
    You and your creative mind are always a happy surprise, too.

  5. Most sheep have to put on a wolf's clothing in today's world. Wish sheep were safer as themselves.

  6. ha - great take on the prompt and well captured

  7. I'm totally impressed with your creativity and imagination. It took me a minute to realize it was a sheep in wolf's clothing, but I suspect that was the whole point. This is one powerful sketch and great way to meet this challenge.

  8. Oh love this! Rough on the outside and sweet on the inside~Have a happy & creative week. ~Theresa


Looking forward to hearing from you!