07 November 2010

Catching up from my unposted week(s)

I am now back from a week away. Unfortunately I didn't have time to post these before leaving so they seem way behind schedule. But since I am still on track for my year's Creative Every Day (CED2010) Challenge, I wanted to put them up! 

Monday: Playing with crayons...


Wednesday: Thinking about Hallowe'en...


Friday: Travelling on a jet plane.... so I won't be able to use mine! 

Saturday: The Happy Face - in Disguise!

Sunday: A participant at my conference.....

Tomorrow Art Every Day Month starts at Creative Every Day. Posting daily is encouraged rather than the usual weekly check-ins. After I get caught up from my travels, I will try to keep up with the daily posting for the rest of the November. I think posting every day will be harder than creating every day! It almost seems like twice the effort as each post is a creation in and of itself! Looks like there will be lots of new artists there to meet and share their efforts!

Hope you had a good two weeks and I look forward to seeing what you were up to while I was away!


  1. I know what you mean: it is hard work posting every day but worth it - I've discovered many inspirational people this week of AEDM. Its been great.

    I really like Thursday's witch.

    Kat :-)

  2. What an inventive and cute which! And I love the colorful swirl.


Looking forward to hearing from you!