27 December 2010


I hope you had a fabulous Christmas Day and managed to celebrate with those you love in the way you wanted!

Personally I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. I love it. I love the decorations, the music, the stories, the sentiments. But there are things I hate: the commercialism, the shopping and it is sooooooooooooo much work. (Much of which I put on myself, of course.) I (unfortunately) tend to be a last minute person and am always crazy busy leading up to Christmas, then working all day to make a nice dinner and then spend Boxing Day on all the necessary but postponed things that should have been done but weren't (like laundry) and are now urgent (no clean underwear left for some members of the family). Then Boxing Week becomes more relaxed. Sigh. Do you ever feel like like this?

Blogging and art suffered. I did all my daily creations though I will admit some of them were a day or two late. But they did get done! And here they are:




Wednesday: A skunk? At Christmas? I have no idea why, he just called to be drawn...

Thursday: Carols and Christmas songs on my mind....

Friday/Christmas Eve:

Saturday/MERRY CHRISTMAS!!: Christmas Dinner. I tried this yummy pumpkin cornbread dressing/stuffing that Leah had mentioned. Delicious!!

Sunday: A new toy for Yuri for Christmas!! He is like a kitten again!

My goal for this week is to relax, work around the house, finish up my sketchbook project and CED2010, catch up on some of your blog posts I've missed, do a puzzle and think/write about 2010 and 2011. I hope to post my sketchbook pages as I finish them and take and post photos of my extensive nutcracker collection/ Christmas decorations, so please drop by later! 

I hope you have a relaxing and creative week!


  1. I do agree, it can be tiring running around like mad right before Christmas. I am exhausted, too! You were able to give us some great art though....a holiday skunk, I LOVE that. Hope you can relax this week, I am looking forward to seeing your Nutcracker collection! xxoo

  2. I looove that skunk...so great! (and yay for Yuri!)

    I can totally relate to your feelings about Christmas. I am so impressed that you've managed to keep drawing... all of my "art" lately has been of the edible variety.


  3. Yep I feel exactly the same at this time of year, I've not felt creative for over a week now with the lead up to Christmas and family staying with us, I'm all out of whack, hope to get back into to it in the next couple of days. Well done you for still getting your projects done, I love your christmas skunk soooooo funny and very clever heheheheh.

    Well done!! Merry christmas and happy new year to you Eva!!! xoxo

  4. Hi Eva, The skunk was a surprise, but why not? Like the Santa Hat on the sunk. Festive posting; it looks like you've been quite busy! Love the zen doodles. Go Yuri!

  5. Hi Eva, thank you for popping by my blog... SPB is nearly finished... only 4 spreads to go... am running out of puff. I totally agree re Christmas, love it and hate it all at the same time. Love the skunk... Happy New Year.

  6. Yup Christmas is a time of mixed emotions. I remember now with joy, just waking up and seeing presents :)
    A skunk!!! Well I guess if he was calling to be drawn he must be drawn :D
    Have a great new year!


Looking forward to hearing from you!