03 January 2011

The Final Sketchbook Project Pages


Inside Cover/Title Page

Overflowing tub

Fashion Faux Pas
(Thanks Yves)

Burning Glue Gun
(Yes I did this to myself trying to make a wine cork wreath. Could not believe how much it hurt! I highly recommend Second Skin for any burns you might get. Amazingly effective!)

Wilted, Unwatered Plant

 and the unfortunate way my year ended...
(still works (poorly) except for the a, s, and d keys but a USB keyboard solves that temporarily. It was time for a new computer anyways but I hate that my forgetfulness and carelessness has forced the issue. Sigh.) 

You can see a slideshow of the full sketchbook, in order (rather than the order I did and posted the pages) on Flickr here.

And that is it!! I am now done!
To those of you who are still working on it, my thoughts are with you!!


  1. Congratulations on finishing your sketchbook for the project! What a great accomplishment - you musts feel so good! Sorry to hear about your computer .... may it rest in peace. lol nancy

  2. Thanks Nancy!! It is a relief to be don and a great sense of accomplishment!

    Yup RIP but not until I get a new one and transfer everything over!!

  3. Well done Eva... it's a good feeling... thanks for stopping by..

  4. Well done Eva, what a fantastic project and I'm sure fun for you to look back on too!! Well done!!!

  5. It is done! Wow! I remember posts from the past with you working on it! The art inside it is fantastic!!!!!

  6. congrats on finishing your sketchbook. I like the wilted plant, a different viewpoint.

  7. Congratulations on completing your sketchbook, Eva! great job! Wonderful. Ok, love the hot glue gun! yes, they get soooo very hot.
    oh no, sorry about the coffee spilling...xxoo

  8. Found you through CED 2011...I'm just getting into the sketching and journalling side of things-your stuff is fun! I'm a new follower!

  9. Woohoo to finishing your sketchbook project, it looks great! Sorry about the glue gun burn. Ouch.

    Man, I've gotta get in and finish my sketchbook.

  10. Yeah! Congrats! It seems that people are getting their book finished one by one now. It should be, the time is near now :-P

    I'm still working on mine. Can't wait to do the happy dance :-)

  11. Woo-hoooooo!!!! I am doing a completely silly happy dance for you! Congratulations!!!

    I have to say I have looooved these entries - so amazingly creative :)

    I'm heading over to flickr now...


  12. Hi! It's me again... just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your slideshow! (So very, very cool to see them all in one place)


  13. Well done for finishing! Your pages and art work are great and I love your take on the theme. I have not found anyone else in blogland doing the same theme either, so its really great to see your work.Love your blog, I have become a follower and I'm off to check out your pages on flickr. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog x

  14. Congratulations to you. You deserve it as you've worked so incredibly hard on your sketchbook! :)


Looking forward to hearing from you!