25 March 2011

Paint Party Friday - Week 2 and the Working and Progress continues...

It would have been so easy this week not to have done any painting... busy, busy! Thankfully Paint Party Friday is having the desired effect in keeping me at painting and so paint I did! Not enough to finish anything but paint did get put on canvases and progress was made!

Last week, I left my poppy painting at this stage:

I felt either the canvas was too big and I should crop it... (Ha! Maybe it's possible but I don't know how) or I needed to do something to the background. I decided to add a dark colour to the edges. It will also complement the colours where I am considering hanging this. (If I ever get it finished that is!) It still needs considerable work (as it is again in the looking worse before it looks better stage) but my mantra is "progress......."!

I worked on the interior of the flower a bit more as I continue to mull over what else I need to do to the background...but now that it has dried I see that colour of stamens blends too well and another colour is needed. Hmm... maybe black instead of dark red?

And that's as far as I got on it this week. 

But I started 2 more pieces that might eventually live in my kitchen over one of the doors. Likely it will be a triptych but I've only started two of the pieces.

Sketches on canvases (6x6)

I added the first coat of paint to one of them and that's where it sits:

I was also thinking of the PPF poll from last week and noticed that no one likes to paint with their food! So I thought I would try! I took the end of this:

and used it to create this! (What?....Wine is too "food"!!)

Well, it sure didn't come out the colour of wine but otherwise it was a fun little experiment! How about you? Have you ever experimented by painting with food?

I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the party! I'm bringing canapés! 


  1. What an exciting post! I like this step by step process you are doing. The colors in the poppy are perfect for the poppy. It's coming along great. Your cat is fun. Wine is food.:)

  2. I have to start by saying I loooove your wine cat... fantastic! (I really like the subtle color)

    I am so impressed with all you are getting done! Woo-hoo PPF! It is so great to see how everything is progressing... multiple canvases at the same time is how I always do it :)


  3. Love your poppy color and how it is beginning! Looking forward to seeing which direction you take it. ~Theresa

  4. so good to see all your art, I agree, wine is food!
    wonderful to learn that your name is kin to the oak!

  5. Eva, congrats on getting some painting done even with your busy schedule! I'm loving how the coffee cup is coming along so far. Love deep rich chocolate colors.

  6. Good on you to work on so many projects! You're doing very well. Your wine cast is lovely and amusing.

    Sorry that I missed the "opening" of Paint Party last week. Love to join! :D

  7. Just heard about paint party and will definitely have to join in - sounds like great motivation! I like how you said you wanted to crop the painting...sometimes I think in that way too because i'm so used to digital work! Can't wait to see the coffee piece build up - I'm a total caffè lover!

  8. Oh yeah I've done the food thing but it grossed me out!! Tea and coffee however are fine paint substitutes! I've used red wine too - it dries grey!
    Your poppy is coming along well. Yes, I think some dramatic black will really make it pop. Looking forward to seeing more progress next week.

  9. I know exatly what you mean about the worse before its better stage! Mine is so like that this week too! I love that you experimented with painting with wine!

  10. Fun stuff! I tried painting on plexiglass with acrylics and it didn't turn out well at all. I put gel medium, thn tissue in interesting shapes then paint. You supposedly could put a light behind it and it would look good, but mine didn't turn out so well. LOL

  11. Yes, I like thw "wine" cat! hee! what a great idea, Eva. I love the coffee cup, too there. perfect for your kitchen. I have never painted with food...i will leave that to my kids! hee!
    the poppy is coming along great, i agree, add some deep sepia and darker tones - I love poppies, they are such a soft delicate flower.

  12. I create with Wine all the time!!! Excellent post - we can all relate, I'm sure! I know I can! and yes, it is all about doing and progress - I think your flower is coming along great!
    cheers, dana
    p.s. I watched a piece on actress Jane Seymour once and she was painting with Vodka!!!

  13. The poppy is popping! Will be fun to watch the coffee sketches come to life and of course I love the wine kitty - Cheers!!!

  14. Wine is food, and your painting is cute. I have never thought to use food other than tea to create art, might be fun to try. Love the way your poppy is coming along.

  15. Very interesting post. I love your WIP and I know when you are finished you will be very pleased with the results. As for using my food as art supplies, well, I haven't done that since I was a kid and sculpted with my mashed potatoes. Ah the memories! :-)

  16. These are great- I would never have thought of painting with wine- FUN!
    Oh, and for the poppy, I think the stamens are the perfect color but if you want more contrast, you could lighten the reds around the stamen- that should make it POP a bit more :0)
    Happy PPF!

  17. Eva that's a creative wine painting! Why not? Maybe I'll try using beets, I have some in my fridge, lol.

  18. I love the background color you added to your poppy painting! It's coming together nicely. And the wine kitty... adorable! Makes me look at my wine bottles in a whole new light! YES, wine IS food!! ;)

    The coffee paintings will be a perfect addition to the kitchen! Love, love, love my coffee!

  19. Eva, I use egg yolks at times, to prepare a timber, sugar or vinegar to bind the pigment, but it never came lol, is an original idea ....Saludos desde España

  20. Too cool! I love the wino-cat and can't wait to see your coffee triptych!

  21. Hehe. Painting with wine. . .I LOVE it! Funny too because my husband and I were just talking about experimenting with coffee yesterday. I'll let you know how it turns out. :-)

  22. Oh Eva....these are going to turn out great.....love...love the coffee beans.


  23. Beautiful creations...wonderful..i really love the power of that red..it draws me in magnetically!!
    Fabulous post..and yes I love wine and have spilled it on my canvas...and just went with it!

  24. Your flower is coming alive, and maybe addind a little green (complementary color) with the red would give you the dark color you're looking for without going too dark. I love what you have so far, and your 6 x 6 sketches will be beautiful paintings for your kitchen.

    I too painted with wine before, and even espresso! Fun to experiment, isn't it? The kitty is adorable, btw.

  25. Painting with wine....I have to try that..although there usually isn't any left to play with :) The flower pulls your eye in to the center of the canvas, leaving beautiful possibilities for the outer edges. Can't wait to see what happens!

  26. You really have been busy...very impressive :)
    LOVE your wine cat...what a great idea though I'm not sure I could part with the wine, especially after a busy week :) Looking forward to seeing the progress of your triptych and LOVE your vibrant poppy. Gorgeous!

  27. How fun to paint with your food. My mom always cringes because I like to play with my left over food on my plate, but I have yet to paint with it. Love the progress of your poppy. Can't wait to see the finished triptych. Happy PPF!

  28. You are a busy beaver, Eva and everything looks so good, hard to believe you just started painting! I am terrible with flowers...if I were you I would listen to Stephanie...she's a master at painting. Flowers especially.
    Happy weekend Girlfriend, XoX

  29. Wow, you are keeping busy =) Yes, black in the center. Black and white details are the saviors of paintings, lol! I think there's a bit of yellow or gold in poppy centers, too. Check out some photos for a reference.
    Years ago, my sister in law sent me a whole book on painting with food. I never did try it, but I did notice that purple onions make a pretty design when you cut them on a paper plate =) Kathryn

  30. I can't say I've ever used my food (yes wine is a food, in fact a staple in my home LOL) to paint with. Interesting how the color is more of a gray than a red which I'm assuming it was a red wine.

  31. Eva - you so make me laugh! Thx for the party chat! I don't paint individual little watermelon seeds ... although that might be an idea! Love your wine painting ... see you soon!

  32. Red is my favorite color. I love poppys. Do not rush it. You will find the right color in time.

  33. I like the food idea. I've done many paintings of fruits and vegetables. It's a lot of fun. Loving the progress you are making on the poppy. Thanks for stopping by to visit me. :-)


Looking forward to hearing from you!