06 May 2011

Paint Party Friday - Week 8 - Inspired in Houston

I'm back from my busy 10 days of travels and while I am still not caught up, life will soon be back to normal, (I hope). No painting has been done on my WIPs as I haven't had time or energy (yucky cold/throat thing) to do much. What they need would take more than the time I had available, so instead - to ensure I painted - I started something new.

My flight back was later in the day last Friday, so I had a little extra time on my hands in Houston and decided to put it to suitable Paint Party Friday use. I went to see the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston! With limited time before my flight, I focused on the Impressionists special and regular exhibits. There were many fabulous pieces but this time what fascinated me the most was Seurat's work and that of several other pointillist artists (whose names unfortunately I did not write down  - which leads to one of my biggest pet peeves with galleries/museums.*)

I decided to start a pointillist piece this week. I have done ink versions but never before in paint. I was a bit surprised by the size of the Seurat's dots, they were larger than I'd imagined.

Camera 2 View

First I decided to gesso the canvas adding a little background colour to the gesso:

Then I started with dots and got this far:

Camera 1 View

I think I may be halfway there....  Hopefully by next PPF I will have finished one of these WIPs!!

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your painting efforts AND in a much more timely fashion than the past two weeks! My daughter wants me to thank you all for your lovely comments on her portrait of my father as a young man. My Dad was also very flattered and appreciative. Thank you!!

* Museum/Gallery Pet Peeve - No more photos in galleries, it seems.  :(   So I think to myself, okay I will buy postcards of the pieces I like when I leave. But while they have some, they are only for what someone else perceives to be the most interesting pieces.   :(   None for the pieces I like.  :(   So I think to myself next, I will look online when I get home. The National Gallery in Ottawa has almost everything online (though remembering the name of the artist helps.) The Museum of Fine Arts however has their 100 "most popular" (or famous) and so the creator of the beautiful pointillist tree that inspired me remains unknown.  :( 
Why do Galleries/Museums not have postcards for ALL pieces? Or show ALL pieces on their websites?? Sigh. Okay, my rant is over. What do you think? Do you share my pet peeve?

Have a great Paint Party Friday!


  1. I too wish they had postcards. You done a great job on this painting. I have always liked Seurat's style. I always wondered where his mind was at when he was inserting all his dots. Great job so far, looking good. Happy PPF!

  2. Looking forward to see it finished. Its a great start!

  3. Wow Eva, pointillism is hard to do! You are doing a great job. Can't wait to see it when you've finished. Hope you feel better soon.

    I didn't know you can't take photos in museums anymore. If that's the case, they should have post cards of all the work. For sure.

  4. Sounds like a great trip. I love how your painting is coming! Last time I went you could still take without a flash here in CA & NYC. but I guess I will see next time I have the chance to go. I would be sad about that!! Theresa

  5. Hi Eva this is a lovely piece I really like pointillism and went to see this same exhibition about a year or two ago with Rhys my then 6 year old. He was very impressed too!

    Love the colours in this piece! I'm off to check out your portrait from last week. Sorry I missed Paint Party Friday last week I was so caught up in my market that I haven't had time to be creative and enjoy it. I've made up for it this week.

    Oh and I emailed you the other day to let you know that your book arrived I was sooooo excited. Let me know if you got the email as I hope I didn't send it to the wrong address.

  6. Oh Eva I am so envious that you got to see some of Seurat's work-he is my favourite artist and gets many a mention on my blog! I adore pointillism (hence the name of my blog!) Your piece is brilliant-my favourite of yours so far definitely!

  7. Wonderful work and smart us of the color to create depth. Well Done! ;)

  8. Interesting ... I'm waiting final, it`s very dificult this técnica.Hugs

  9. This is looking great. Never done this technique. It looks time consumung. :) Can't wait to see it finished.

  10. I saw a huge outdoor mural done in pointilism and it was beautiful. Yes I have pet peeves. I would love to take photos of everything and a lot of places do not allow it.

  11. Yay, glad you are back! I have never done this technique either. Looks fun though.
    Glad you got your little package, enjoy it! xo

  12. I love impressionism AND pointillism so you pretty much had me at hello! This is beautiful and I can't wait to see where you go with it next!
    Happy PPF,

  13. Hi Eva, I run into the same thing all of the time. As a photographer, I experience the world best through creating images with my camera. I love to take them home as inspiration and reminders. And I'll still buy the postcards of my favorite pieces, even if I've photographed them, but as you said they are not often available. With the digital age of print-on-demand, there should be no reason postcards aren't available for every piece of art in a museum's collection.

    I look forward to seeing your finished piece!

  14. It looks great, can't wait to see the finished piece.

  15. Very COOL! I've never tried this technique Eva but am thinking it looks very relaxing.

    Sorry you were disappointed about the postcards. Hopefully, google will remedy that for you. Happy PPF!

  16. I just discovered this technique on line but I think I would be lost and lacking in patience. This is quite beautiful and very impressive, a very lovely piece.

    Just yesterday I came across two private residences with amazing art pieces in their yards, had my camera but too lazy to stop and ask permission so I'll wait till the weekend to take them; hopefully they will say yes.

  17. I've never understood why they don't allow photos. I haven't tried pointillism. It seems like it would take a lot of patience. I'll be watching to see how this finishes up.

  18. Oh Eva...I love this piece. Every since school pointillism has been my favorite...never tried it though. :-)

  19. I think part of the reason photos aren't allowed is because the museum makes money selling it's own. Also so they can control the quality of photos out on the market. Also in some cases the extra light is detrimental to the museum peice. I havne't been is several years, but in the past I have been able to photo in some museums by asking first; I had to sign a paper that said they were for personal use only and would not be published anywhere and only without flash.

    Love your tree! really coming alive.

  20. You are spot on with the museum and no postcard thing (no pun intended!) :D

    I love your pointillism tree so far and look forward to seeing your finished piece, it's looking great!

    Happy PPF!

  21. oh wow!!! what an amazing piece....Love this tree Eva!!!! Happy PPF!!!!

    oh and PS....if you want to get your work published and you love to create food art....you can join in this cool project we have over at 100 Illustrations....it is called 100 Illustrations - my Favorite Food......free to the first 100 Artists and Illustrators!!! so join in!!!

  22. love your work this week, educational too, thanks!

  23. Hi Eva, this looks really difficult but am so looking forward to seeing it completed. Hope you feel better soon. Annette x

  24. This is a nice piece of work.

  25. This is a wonderful tree and a technique I have never tried before....looks like a lot of fun! Looking forward to seeing it next week :)

  26. Wow - this is wonderful work. My initial thought was that the first photo was of the art from the museum! I really like the idea of using dots and like a lot of impressionist work. No word of a lie - two days ago I wrote on my would-like-to-create list that I wanted to try some impressionist type painting. Yet another synchronicity with a blogging friend this week! But I wasn't sure where to start - now you've inspired me to have a try painting in dots - thanks for the inspiration.

    It must have been annoying not being able to take photos or buy postcards. That would've annoyed me too.

    Kat X

  27. Yay Hi Eva..what a fabulous piece and fabulous post! I love the tree..dappled with such beauty and energy.shadow and light...gorgeous work!

    Oh yay..thankyou for the links I shall check em out! I am super drawn to impressionism too and love when that style comes through..it is magical..wonderful work..yaya shine on!
    PS; I love using gesso too!

  28. Love this piece, will be great when it is finished. PPF is such fun, it really does me good! Havea great weekend, Valerie

  29. Pointillism is fascinating (love Seurat's work!) and I think your tree is coming along beautifully. What a challenging piece!

    It would be nice to have pc's of all the pieces, however, I think most galleries just include their select few, unfortunately. I do hope you find your inspirational, "giving tree." I'd love to see it...and I can't wait to see what your finished painting will look like! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, amiga!!

  30. Hi Eva: Really LOVE that tree! I'm a tree girl and I love the dot technique you came up with. Can't wait to see it when it's done. Thx for the visit and PPF!

  31. I love this picture. It is very simple and charming.

  32. Just love your points! The tree is great.
    thanks for visiting today. Happy PPF. gerri

  33. great tree so far! , I haven't been to a museum in so long, My son puts the Kabosh on stuff like that, I get my art all online now!

  34. Wonderful! Pointalism is very difficult. You have a lot of patience.
    I agree about the post cards. It's always of the famous pieces that we've all seen a million times before!

  35. I love this. Great start! Happy PPF!

  36. Hi Eva, this might be one of my favorites! I really like pointillism. Nice work.

  37. How cool is this, love the dots of colour & how it all comes together :)

  38. I love your painting, and I wonder how long it took you to paint all those dots. It's a very fascinating idea, what a great inspiration from a visit to a museum. I understand your frustration, I also find that I obviously like those paintings that do not make it to the "100 favorites" and therefore go without a postcard. Argh!

  39. He has been a great picture with pointillist technique.

  40. Eva, love your tree. I pointillist artist really to speak to me and I love the style but have learned that I do not have the patience for it.

  41. Beautiful.. will have to read up on this .. can hardly wait to see it finished..
    very frustrating.. it's the same at the gallery here...

  42. How cool to have access to such gorgeous art. Thanks for the links too.
    I love the way you build up colour with different coloured dots.

  43. I love how the dots look like they are falling off on the bottom!

  44. I adore your bird header!!!!!!!!
    Love your interpretation of the tree!

  45. I love pointalism! I did some stuff in my teens with it and have a bit of a love for it since, even if I haven't done anything with it in forever. It's great to see you doing it with paint, I never thought of trying that before but I really like how yours is coming about.

  46. Hi,

    I love the style of this piece. And thanks so much for letting me know about Paint Party Fridays. I'll give it a try. :-)


Looking forward to hearing from you!