22 November 2011

Creative Tuesdays - Three Blind (Jazz-Playing) Mice

THREE - 3. 

Word association games go wild in my head... Three - Three Blind Mice. BLIND - musicians ...Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles - very cool jazzy piano players. And if there were three - what other instruments (that I could draw) might be in a jazz trio?

Et voila! My silly fun piece for Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesdays.

I'm thinking of making this my new header as winter is almost here and my little robin no longer feels timely... 

Looking forward to seeing everyone's CT efforts! Thanks Mmm - I had fun thinking about this one and working on it!


  1. Eva this gave me a morning chuckle! What a wonderful take on the theme!

  2. Too fun...love that they're playing music too! A Trio of fantastic and cool! Happy Tuesday!

  3. oh my gosh I LOVE this. I must confess, I tried to do something with the three mice and just couldn't get it to work, yours is wonderful! Well done!!!

  4. Wow, so cute and what a great idea for the theme of three! :-)

  5. Oh that's excellent inspiration and executed so well. The instruments look great too!

  6. So clever and what a great sketch! I find perspective drawing really hard so am truly amazed by the piano!

  7. Wow I love it but the dark glasses just add the final touch. Great piece.

  8. I love them all playing instruments which are so well drawn. Great take on the theme.

  9. Delightful, delightful, delightful... The theme is perfect, and honoring such special men and their music is inspirational.

    The drawing are adorable too.

  10. Ah, this is so cute! I can just see Stevie Wonder mouse at the piano swaying back and forth! ha.

  11. aw, yes this would be a great header...it's adorable! I love that they are muscicians, too!

  12. What a fun take on the theme of "three." I so enjoyed this.

  13. Oh, I absolutely love your association there. All like Ray charles. so fun. GREAT interpretation for three. Thank you so much EVA. :)


Looking forward to hearing from you!