09 December 2011

Paint Party Friday - Week 39 - Gingerbread Man!

I think I am slowly getting into the Xmas spirit - at least painting-wise that is! I had so much fun with last week's snowman that I am continuing with paintings to complement my decorations. First the snowman to hang out with my snowman collection in the dining room - which is slowly starting to gather.

This week, the gingerbread decorations that live in the kitchen said they need a painted companion too! 

With friends!

Bottom view...

Top view...

We all liked (Thank You!) the wraparound effect so much, I continued it here. These thick canvases are great for that!

The nutcrackers will come but the models that want to pose are still in storage - this weekend they should join in the decorating fun. I gessoed some canvasses (4) so it will be interesting to see which model poses first! (Ambitious project ahead!)

I also painted a photocopy of my Three Blind Jazz Mice header (see way above!) to make it more Christmasy. I discovered I can reverse images on my scanner and thought this one was especially fun!

Hope you have a great time at Paint Party Friday! I look forward to visiting you - though with everything going on at this time of year, it may take me awhile...  :)


  1. Those ginger bread men are adorable! And the mice picture looks great, like neon!

  2. Your Christmas Ginger Bread man made me smile! Happy PPF xx

  3. You are going to end up with a whole wall of Christmas gorgeousness... hope it is making you feel lovely and Christmasy!!!! I am sure it would make me feel like the season is on its way!

  4. love your gingerbread decorations and your wrapped canvass gingerbread man goes wonderfully with them! great job!

  5. Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread man.... Oops too late Mr G, I got you!!

    Great piece Eva.

  6. The gingerbread man is adorable! Love him. What a great idea to add paintings to your holiday decorations.

  7. Gingerbread is my favorite! I love the canvas!!!
    I like how it takes up the whole board! have a great weekend!

  8. Eva your gingerbread mad is adorable!!! And I love what you did with your header!!! Yep this time of year is busy but such FUN!!!!Happy PPF!Deb

  9. Your decorations are cheerful and cute. Thank you Eva for PPF ;)

  10. LOVE the entire Gingerbread Man set up! Great collection. Happy PPF!

  11. oh EVA!!!! I love your Gingerbread Man painting!!! what a wonderful piece!!!! Happy PPF and Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  12. Eva, the gingerbread man painting is wonderful. He fits right in with your collection in your kitchen. Thanks for hosting PPF. Faye

  13. Also, I forgot to say the reverse header painting is really cool! Faye

  14. They have a fun holiday painting companion now! Your photocopy play is inspiring me to warm up that copier and see what fun it holds! Thanks!

  15. Your blog looks so festive Eva, how nice. I love your creations, excellent fun work. Great gingerbread decorations. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and yours, take care and enjoy.

  16. Your work is always so much fun! Love this.


  17. What a fun post! Love it, thanks for sharing :) x

  18. Your gingerbread painting looks great with the rest of the collection, and nice effect with the scanner!

  19. Terrific selection of Gingerbreads, love them all. Happy PPF, x

  20. The Gingerbread man looks yummy! Can't wait to the nutcrackers :0)

  21. Hi Eva,
    Such a Chrimassy post - I enjoyed it a lot. I ought to get into the spirit of Christmas...
    Happy Weekend, Ev

  22. Yay Eva...fabulous...gorgeous colors..love the spiral lollipop..you are awesome..very festive and beautiful! yes i love your wraparound effect..very stunning!
    Beautiful art..everything you share is wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing your magical spirit..

  23. A delicious gingerbread man! Valerie

  24. Oh EVA - I think it is wonderful the way you are creating for your collections! I can't wait to see the nutcrackers :)

    Your new version of your scanned mice reminds me of Jean Dubuffet's "Jazz Band" - Fun! I posted a pic of it on my blog last year in case you aren't familiar:
    (Scroll down to the last pic in the post to see the original)


  25. Oh, I *love* that, it is so sweet and festive.

  26. Oh, such a cutie X'mas painting! :)

  27. Beautiful painting! I love the colorful gingerbread. Also your 3 blind mice are wonderfully done. Great thinking!

  28. He is absolutely adorable. . . and I do like your using the sides of the canvas too. The 3-blind mice are brilliant. (glo paint) . . they would be fun in bright flickering lights to music on uTube also. . .lol. Blessings, Janet

  29. Aw your gingerbread man is so adorable and looks right at home with his friends.

    I love the idea of reversing a painting, great idea Eva!!

  30. This post has got me in the mood to start to create something for my house to get it looking a bit more festive!

  31. I love your gingerbread man, Eva! He looks very cute and happy. I haven't participated at PPF for such a long time, it's not even funny. I need to come back. Thanks for stopping by my blog even though I missed PPF!

  32. Such a handsome gingerbread man! And I love those jazz mice!

  33. The Gingerbread men are adorable Eva! Happy PPF just a little late this week!

  34. what cute and whimsical decorations you have!
    thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS


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