01 February 2012

29 Faces in February - #1

Ayala  at "I Love to Paint" has a new challenge for February - 29 Faces

I have been wanting to sketch more faces and have procrastinated dreadfully and haven't made much progress so far.   :(   So this is a great challenge for me! I am starting by trying to sketch from photos in magazines...

Do you recognize him?

29 Faces - a great idea and hopefully an achievable goal. Posting every day in February? Not so sure - mine may be intermittent posts with multiple faces.

Looking forward to seeing your interesting faces!


  1. albert einstien right? I think this is the best challenge ,, faces are a challenge, I find faCES my biggest challenge of all.
    This is wonderful, thankyou for sharing,

  2. Good old Albert :D You sort of know he must have had a wicked sense of humour just looking at him :D I'm joining in for the same reason lol. The guilt of letting Ayala down will make me do them :D XXX

  3. I would say this is the brilliant one Albert Einstein. Great 1st face - looking forward to seeing your whole collection

  4. Loving your Albert, shows great humour in his twinkling eyes. x

  5. I do! :oD
    I'm not even done with mine, better get busy!

  6. I see everyone agrees, you drew Einstein!! And if we can all tell who it is, you know you did a fabulous job!!
    Can't wait to see more!
    PS. I post my art journal pages and my zentangles on my other blog, in case you are interested!

  7. Wow! Einstein!! What a cool idea!!

  8. Oh yes, I recognize him! I've been promising my son for over a year to paint him a mixed media portrait of this very fellow. I love your sketch and am so glad to see you'll be doing this challenge!

  9. Gret! I agree, posting every day IS going to be a challenge!

  10. No mistaking him, and what a wonderful sketch, lot's of character in this piece :)

  11. Terrific sketch, love the hair!

    I really enjoy your blog header art, that flying dog had to make me smile. At first I thought he was making a snow angel and then realized he was flying- the constellations and the moon were more than a clue! Van the Man, that's one of my favorites, Moondance.

  12. Your Einstein is totally great! You really captured his mischeivous, twinkling eyes.

  13. I love you Einstein, he looks cute!! Great job!

  14. Great job! Recognized him immediately!

  15. Einstein? the hair makes me think of him.


  16. well, it looks like Albert Einstein to me, very well done!

  17. very brave doing faces I say! Nice job.

  18. I do recognize him! Awesome! Great job with all of your faces in the 29 day challenge! Have a great week!


Looking forward to hearing from you!