26 October 2012

Paint Party Friday - The Mistress of Our Charms

HAPPY HALLOWE'EN to all my friends at PPF!

My friend Ann often holds an all-girls party near Hallowe'en... with the dress code: Basic Black, Witches Attire optional. She signs the invitation "Mistress of Your Charms". These witches parties are always a fun time, with a yummy pot luck and wonderful conversation. A great get-together. And tonight is the night! 

I started looking at photos from the last party and felt inspired to paint a portrait of Ann for her party. My first painted portrait - yikes! We shall see tonight if she likes it...

"Mistress of Our Charms"

And here is the work in progress:

initial sketch and start

Messy table and misshaped hand...

Writing on side... unsure whether it adds or detracts?

The photo I used for a model:
Loraine, me and Ann

I hope you have a wonderful and fun Hallowe'en next week! I look forward to seeing everyone's paintings and will visit as time permits over the weekend. But tonight I must fly! (Where is that dang broomstick when you need it?)

12 October 2012

Paint Party Friday Week 31 - Back... With 2nd Last Travelling Sketchbook

I have been MIA for longer than I would ever have guessed would happen, hiding behind the scenes to help get PPF ready for everyone to party, and then disappearing back into everyday activities. I miss creating. Starting up again after this interlude has been harder than I expected. But I have!

Late in August, I received Lisa's sketch pages and box for the Sisterhood of the Travelling Sketchbook, then promptly left to take my daughter back to university out west. Just before leaving, a window replacement turned into the discovery of a dissolving foundation and significant repairs. (Arrgh!) Thus, I have held on to Lisa's "book" longer than any yet. Plus it was very late arriving and for November which is a very challenging month for me to think of anything to talk about. Dull and dreary is November to me...

Spread #1 - no words

Spread #2 with words...

"So dull and dark are the November days.
The lazy mist high up the evening curled,
And now the morn* quite hides in smoke and haze;
The place we occupy seems all the world."
-   John Clare, "November"

* I changed "morn" to "moon" and hid the moon behind the greyness... I love the Moon!)

Spread #2 before words

Some time ago, Lisa admired my "Girls with Funny Hats" plus she loves Frida and her birthday is in November so I created this Frida-like girl with a birthday cake hat to accompany my thoughts on November. This is my second last sketchbook. All I need to receive is my April to finish and then hopefully my own sketchbook will eventually return to me. It has been a fun project even if it didn't get finished within the allotted schedule.

I also painted this journal page to keep track of this month's activities...

I have missed everyone. The parties look like they have been awesome! I look forward to catching up with all of you over the weekend. Have a great week!