12 October 2012

Paint Party Friday Week 31 - Back... With 2nd Last Travelling Sketchbook

I have been MIA for longer than I would ever have guessed would happen, hiding behind the scenes to help get PPF ready for everyone to party, and then disappearing back into everyday activities. I miss creating. Starting up again after this interlude has been harder than I expected. But I have!

Late in August, I received Lisa's sketch pages and box for the Sisterhood of the Travelling Sketchbook, then promptly left to take my daughter back to university out west. Just before leaving, a window replacement turned into the discovery of a dissolving foundation and significant repairs. (Arrgh!) Thus, I have held on to Lisa's "book" longer than any yet. Plus it was very late arriving and for November which is a very challenging month for me to think of anything to talk about. Dull and dreary is November to me...

Spread #1 - no words

Spread #2 with words...

"So dull and dark are the November days.
The lazy mist high up the evening curled,
And now the morn* quite hides in smoke and haze;
The place we occupy seems all the world."
-   John Clare, "November"

* I changed "morn" to "moon" and hid the moon behind the greyness... I love the Moon!)

Spread #2 before words

Some time ago, Lisa admired my "Girls with Funny Hats" plus she loves Frida and her birthday is in November so I created this Frida-like girl with a birthday cake hat to accompany my thoughts on November. This is my second last sketchbook. All I need to receive is my April to finish and then hopefully my own sketchbook will eventually return to me. It has been a fun project even if it didn't get finished within the allotted schedule.

I also painted this journal page to keep track of this month's activities...

I have missed everyone. The parties look like they have been awesome! I look forward to catching up with all of you over the weekend. Have a great week!


  1. The way you tucked the moon behind the clouds above the words is so beautiful. It captures those chilly November nights perfectly! Happy PPF!

  2. welcome back Eva! Lovely work you've done this week! Sorry to hear about the house repairs,how frustrating.

  3. Oh yes, it certainly gives a November-atmosphere ....I don't like November either. Your girl looks lovely and your October spread is great. Welcome back!

  4. Hi Eva! I like Frida with the birthday hat! Looks like she's ready to dance! Patsy from

  5. Welcome back Eva - how frustrating it must be to organise this amazing party each week for us all and not to be able to participate yourself. Sorry to hear about the repair works that you needed to have done but I'm glad you've started on the journal - I quite like November - halloween is out of the way and it's all about brainwashing us into Christmas! The weather can be beautifully crisp and clear (we usually get more sunny sky days in the winter here than in the summer!)

  6. What lovely paintings of the tree in November. you know what.. one of my favorite months many years ago was November! :) the air is so cold and fresh, so many beautiful twinkling stars.. But my favorite is now Spring.. I guess it was for many years ago too.. But November was no 2 I think.. ;)

    Colorful apples on the black surface also.

  7. So glad you are back! Hope all your repairs went well.
    I guess when you live in a cold climate November is the start of the Dreary. Down here, it's just when you get to break out your cute sweaters and jackets.

  8. Welcome back! November is a bit dreary - but it always seems to pass by quikly. Beautiful work. Happy PPF

  9. I have missed you, Eva. I love your November piece with the moon hidden. Looks like November here on the East coast.

  10. Welcome back Eva. Good to see you. Sorry about that window replacement. Love your sketchbook projects and that they will be travelling the world. Nice going and Happy PPF!

  11. I love your Frida with the cake on her head! Hysterical!

  12. Good to see you back Eva, you certainly have had your hands full by the sound of it. Great sketchbook projects. Happy PPF, Annette x

  13. So Glad you are back Eva! Sorry to hear of your trials, but glad they have concluded. If it's not one thing, it's another with home improvement projects. Love your new header on your blog, and your journal spreads. I feel the same way about November. Your Frida page makes me happy.♥
    Have a super weekend! Happy PPF.

  14. The moon is so beautiful just showing behind clouds... November is kind of melancholy month. HPPF!

  15. Sometimes things gel and sometimes not..One has to wait for the inspiration to strike and it finally here it looks like and very nicely too. HPPF

  16. It is always soooo hard coming back after any sort of break but you will be back in the swing in no time... so happy to be reading your posts and seeing your work again...xx

  17. Welcome back! Nice cute pictures... Hppf Eva:)

  18. Yay - so nice to see you back! Love your witchie girl up top!
    cheers, dana

  19. Sisterhood of the Travelling Sketchbook sounds so, so FUN!
    I actually love the neutral colors in your spread...I find them very soothing.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  20. Love all your art.... the calendar page especially - it is really fun!


  21. Love the little Frida with her birthday hat, what a sweet idea! I'll be glad to finish up the sketch books and see what's in mine, very exciting. The last one you get should be mine then is that right?

    I had another arrive on Friday so I'm going to set to work to finish the two I have this week (just finished up school holidays) it has been a lovely project though, thank you for your part in organising it! :0)

  22. Great pages and to answer your question i have been meaning to enter an interview for ppf soon! I'll get on it, thanks for asking!!

  23. oh how sweet!!!! these are so neat with and without the writing....wonderful to see you again !!!!

  24. I always enjoy the poetry you bring into your creations. I am in process of finishing my first journal page. So sorry your house needed extensive repairs. That is always a shock to find out! Thank you so much for answering my questions a couple of weeks back. I love trees devoid of leaves! I think they look like sculptures. I know it can get dark and dreary, too...just turn on all the lights, and stay inside your newly cosy home.

  25. It says "November" all over - very well done, Eva. Gorgeous how the moon is hiding behind the clouds. I also love your blog header a lot!

  26. Hi Eva,
    It's been a long time I've visited here and by the sounds of it you were quite occupied.
    I think your painting truly captures November purrfectly and the poem is a beautiful match.
    p.s. Luv the header, nice work.With the chilly weather here now it's nice to be indoors creating…..enjoy your renovated home~^..^~


  27. I like November, but that's probably because it's when I celebrate my birthday to. I'm glad you're getting back into the creative swing of things. Blessings!

  28. Beautiful as ever...welcome back!

  29. Wonderful quote...suits your art perfectly. Welcome back!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. I love the moon behind the clouds. ACH, November, not ready for summer to be over. Blessings, Janet PPF

  31. Welcome back! You and Kristin are doing a great job with the PPF. :) Great journal pages!

  32. I'm glad you are back! I love your journal pages you created!

  33. Welcome back. :). Very nice pieces.

  34. Love your tree ~ very well done and other sketches as well ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ thanks for coming by ^_^

  35. Hi Eva,
    I know what you mean about getting side tracked from art. It's been happening to me as well.

    Love how you took the dreary November and turned it into a party. Great attitude and great paintings. The pumpkin calendar is cute too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  36. I love how the page looks with the words added! Looks great. Welcome back! xo

  37. Hi Eva, it's nice to see you back, I always enjoy your creations. I really love the pumpkin calendar page.


Looking forward to hearing from you!