17 December 2021

Painting again!

It's been a while since I have posted here... 5 years! Eek! And while I have painted, I haven't shown anything except on instagram... With Paint Party Friday ending at the end of Year 11, I wanted to post at least once more.

One of my friends collects Santas and I really wanted to paint one for her, and I always love adding to my nutcracker collection...

Santa for Yolanda

Nutcracker 1

Santa Nutcracker

Three Kings Nutcrackers and their portrait

I have a few other works in progress which hopefully I will finish before I need my dining room table but...

Thanks to all of you who continue to participate in Paint Party Friday! I'm not very good at visiting these days but I do look at much of your lovely art when preparing the posts with Kristin each week.


  1. Charming paintings EVA. And thank you so much for keeping Paint Party Friday going for so long! XO

    1. Thanks so much Linda! And thanks to you for your wonderful participation!

  2. Wonderful paintings, and your nutcracker wall painting is amazing.
    Thank you so much for hosting PPF. I have met some wonderful artists here.


    1. Thanks Soma! I always enjoy seeing your lovely art!

  3. Lovely work Eva, good to see you at the Paint Party!


Looking forward to hearing from you!