28 February 2010

Dreaming Big on the Full Snow Moon

This month Jamie challenged us to Dream Big! And when I dream big, it is always about Space.

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When I first thought about doing something about these Big Dreams I was having, I dismissed it, poo-pooed my desires, felt who was I to be able to contribute? But I overruled those thoughts and did take action. These dreams require many building blocks and there is an incredibly long road ahead. Will I be able to contribute to this dream? In small ways, I already am. I walk through opening doors, leap on opportunities, fret when there are none but keep plugging away. Now I think I will exercise with this on my mind, then revisit my mind maps and agenda to decide on those next little steps that I will take for this month.

It was very difficult to even decide to share these "soul reflections" of mine as they are so different from what I have seen in any submissions. But (big intake of breath) - here they are.


  1. No dream is too big or not good enough to share, and I'm happy you decided to put them out there and share them with us! I absolutely love the picture of the full moon on your dreamboard. May your big dream about space come true :)

  2. Yay you for overruling any limiting thoughts and setting your sites on space! Here's to your dreams, Eva!

  3. Good for you, I believe that our dreamboards are communicating to 'the universe' so who knows who is watching the dreams we share and what might of this...

  4. Bravo to you for allowing yourself to declare your mighty dreams and believing in endless possibilities! Your courage is sure to be contagious....

  5. Part of what I love about visiting other people's blogs/dreamboards is seeing how different we are, and yet how similar our feelings are in creating, discovering, and taking action whatever it is we want to create. Brava! for having the courage to put your dreams out there. And may your dreams come true!


Looking forward to hearing from you!