01 March 2010

"What Makes a House a Home?" Series. Plus Now and the Future

This is the last week with the CED2010 HOME theme. It's been a fun month. I managed to continue to create every day and to create using the HOME theme. How about you? Most of my week was spent exploring the idea of "What makes a House a Home?". I finished with two all encompassing little experiments that seemed appropriate for completing this month. Here are my efforts:








I did a few other creative things this week. I participated again in Inspiration Avenue's weekly challenge - this week was "Purple" (while on a plane from Toronto - making creative use of travelling time!). Also it was a full moon yesterday and time for Jamie Ridler's Full Moon Dream Boards, this month Dreaming Big on the Full Snow Moon. I continued to work on creating a clean, less cluttered house and a fit body. The habits I am trying to create are still intact and I exercised 5 times again this week. :)

Next month the theme is STORIES. Sigh. So far nothing excites me about this theme. (Sorry Leah.) AND I am getting about concerned that my keen interest in participating in CED2010 is distracting me from the writing I want to create. What to do.....??? My plan so far for next week is to do something in my CED2010 book every day but it will not likely be on theme and may be just something easy, and not terribly time consuming - so I have something to "show" to myself and to you. My main goal, however, will be to write every day. 500 words a day ideally, 3500 or the week. Or sit in front of my word document for an hour each day - hopefully that way the words will come! If successful, I will be creating! 

I hope you had and will have a great creative week! I look forward to seeing all your efforts! My heartfelt thanks to those of you who have been commenting!


  1. Great little series of drawings! nancy

  2. what fun! i am particularly drawn to your bookcase and wanting to pull something out and flip through the pages!

  3. Lis,

    Whenever I look at my bookshelves, I feel at home! Please do flip through them! ;) I'm now so into my Kindle though that I sometimes mourn the idea of a full Kindle and empty bookshelves.


Looking forward to hearing from you!