19 April 2010

Finished First Book for CED2010!

In January when I started CED2010, I decided to do my little daily creations in a lovely blank book I bought after viewing a Tiffany special exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. It had been sitting on my desk, too pretty to use, for over two and a half years. I started. Everyday I have done something in it except for 4 entries done on paper from a sketch book last week while traveling. Those sit in it now and this week I finished it! I'm shocked and amazed at this. And delighted! So this week also marks the start of Book 2.  

Monday: Before completing the book, I wanted to try imitating the cover. I chose pastels. Not the same as Tiffany, but I like how it turned out!

Tuesday: Singing in my backyard...

Wednesday:  Growing in my backyard...

Thursday: Today I started my second blank book for CED2010!!! This is it. Not quite as pretty as the first one but it has it's own charm. I love Rodin and Tiffany so book covers with their art are inspirational. After creating a "cover page", I started it with a variation on the zen doodles I've been enjoying creating. This one has only one , maybe two, patterns instead of the many some have had.

Friday: Seeing how the new book likes pastels...

Saturday: Daffodil from my garden...

Sunday: A volunteer pansy from my garden.. I love the happy faces of pansies!

So this was my week. Otherwise it was mixed. I think I caught something on the plane back Sunday and was under the weather much of it. I only exercised 3 times this week instead of the 5 times I have been averaging . I did create another Daffodil piece for Sunday Sketching, kept up my Fake Journal for IFJM (such a bizarre but fascinating thing to do) and both tried a new recipe and created one (Yam and Carrot Soup with Thyme and Coriander) with the extra ingredients bought.

What about yours? I finally caught up looking at all your amazing work on Saturday and look forward to starting again! Have a great week!



  1. wow! congrats on completion!! your books are lovely, so very impressed!

  2. Good for you for using your "too pretty to use" journal and congrats on finishing it! Great looking work, I especially love your zen doodle!

  3. I love the look of your new journal. I really like your zen doodle. I'm not familiar with zen doodling but I have a feeling it may be something I'd like to have a go at.

    My art journal hasn't had many new entries this past fortnight but I have been busier with my writing so that is good.

    Lovely blog - I look forward to visiting again!

  4. Beautiful sketches and I love the idea of creating an art journal just for CED!

  5. Oh, how wonderful! I love that you put your CED art into a special book. Your drawings are so expressive and inspiring. That's great that you have already filled one book and started a second book.


Looking forward to hearing from you!