24 August 2010

Full Fish Moon Dream Board

I couldn't bring myself to call this Full "Sturgeon" Moon Dream Board. Man, those sturgeon are UGLY! So I kept the fish theme but chose prettier fish to add to my Dream Board.

I have been out of town or incredibly busy for so many full Moons recently that I haven't had the ability to participate in this fun event. Here is my attempt for this month though! I had a tiny bit more luck with images to collage but I just don't seem to buy the right kind of magazines, I guess. There are words all over the fish relating to Shining or to Glimmers. Not sure they are visible though except maybe by double-clicking on the third image.

Full August Moon Dream Board (photographed)

Top (scanned)

Bottom (scanned)

Make sure to check out all the great Full Moon Dreamers at Jamie Ridler Studios!!

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  1. Oh, Eva - this is so pretty. Love the shiny fitness and the fish...

    May all your dreams come true!

    See My Fullmoon dreamboard!

  2. Love the strength and vitality going on here!

  3. Oh, how wonderful! There's such a delight-full feeling to this board. I love what you did with the fish. And lol, I totally hear you about sturgeon!

  4. love the fish. I am sure you are shining already.

  5. Your dream board has so many interesting relationships to me, some are just metaphors of my own making. Seeing all the fruit and then looking at the big full moon, I think about the moon hanging like a globe of ripeness in the sky, just waiting for us to share in its sweetness. Thanks.

  6. Eva - I typed in the word - Art in google search.... those eggs came up. Beautiful. Thanks.

  7. Oh wow, I love all those fishes.

  8. May all your dreams be fulfilled this month!

  9. I really like the get fit pants...lol...I could use a pair myself!

  10. Hi Eva - thanks so much for visiting the mountain mermaid. Your FMDB looks healthy & active (fun). I love the fish made of fish...and the sand castle. I just spent a week on the beach and saw some fun sand castles. Cheers!

  11. LOVE the fish & you are right sturgeons are ugly.
    May YOUR dreams BE!

  12. There's something inspiring and brilliant about the moon with the star fish around it (instead of normal stars) - I love this idea that could inspire a story or further creative projects.

    A friend of mine has a holiday cottage & buys the photo enriched Cornish magazines for the guests. She then hands on to me. I find these mags great for collaging.

    Kat X


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