07 September 2010

Back to Reality or CED When Travelling is Hard! Part 1

Just back from a trip to B.C. where we spent the past 10 days visiting friends and family before dropping my daughter off at University of Victoria where she is starting school. It was so wonderful! Well the visiting was! So great to see our fabulous relatives and friends. We live so far away from everyone that we rarely see them. When we do, it is a joy and immense pleasure! The dropping off and saying good-bye was much harder. But I told myself I would think about how excited I am for her rather than how much I will miss her and so all was good! (Well maybe not "good" but....)

Creating in my little CED2010 book however was a MAJOR challenge! Some of these were done on "their day" but others were done before or after. I think trying to create every day is "do-able" for me when I am at home but when travelling, it is sporadic at best! Sometimes - plane, ferry - there is time to draw etc but other times are far too packed with activity. I only brought a few pens and a pencil so there is not much diversity here. Mostly drawing or zen doodles. Here are a bit over half for now. I will post the rest later when I am caught up with "life". (Can one ever be caught up?)

The first few are a continuation of my pencil face sketching from magazines. This time male actors. Any guesses? Again sorry for the scanning quality, my scanner seems to dislike pencil. If you double click the images, they improve a bit.











I may post the rest this week or next week when I update. My scanner is stalling again so I guess that's it for today!

I missed seeing everyone's updates! I will try to go through last week's and this week's check-ins to see what you were all up to. I am always in awe! Meanwhile, have a great, creative week!


  1. Eva! Hi Girlfriend!
    Girl on a Ferry. She looks like me (or how I imagine I look) when my hair was longer.
    The guys look sooo familiar, but I am just NOT good at their names...bet my daughter would know.

    I got so inspired by you, and your zen art, that I bought a 'kiddie's how to zendoodle' book. It amuses me how uptight I have become.
    I am also amused by the way the pendulum swings.
    So fast lately. GOOD! then OMG, get a bucket! LOL
    I'm just rollin for now, plugging away, and working through my 'must do' list. Then. On to the fun stuff :) The glimpse of heaven. Me and my paints.
    Have you gotten your sketch book yet?

  2. @Marina - Thanks! Which Wednesday?

    @priti.lisa - I sure hope your need for a bucket ends soon!! Plumbing leaks suck. :(

    No sketchbook yet. I hope you'll show some of your zendoodles! I often think I should buy a book too but I haven't. A kiddie's book on zendoodling exists? How cool!
    Big hug!

  3. Your faces are very good - each one full of character. Zentangles are so much fun to do as well as to look at, and yours are no exception - well done! nancy

  4. Mom!

    Your work is so beautiful I am a particular fan of the circular drawings and I love your moon zen doodle, you are putting in so much effort and it is really showing off. Your work has gotten a lot more beautiful and your hands are working better with the material your experimenting with

    I am very proud of you. Also congratulations on winning that piece of art. I think its very well done. (and has pumpkins <3) Its about time those 4 Leave Clovers paid off. Don't you think ;)

    Love you!
    Your Daughter


Looking forward to hearing from you!