20 September 2010

Butterflies, Grapes and lots more!

This week I  created a mixture of things. I did a few favourites - the people with funny hats, zen doodles, sketching faces from magazines and I went back to working with pastels. For some reason I had an odd desire to do butterflies and, like last week, I wanted some colour! So I tried butterflies using pens and my Caran D'Arche watercolour crayons - without the water. I am really loving those crayons!






Saturday: The theme on Inspiration Avenue's Weekly Challenge was Metamorphosis. I didn't get my act together to put in a submission but I was thinking about my grape vines and how they have matured from the small green of early summer to the full purple of today, and then to....

Sunday: ....jars of grape jelly! 45 cups of grapes (+ 1/2 cup water per 4 cups grapes) boils down and strains to = 22 cups of juice boils down to = 11 jars of jelly. Just add sugar and hours of effort and lovely grape jelly is created! I added @1 cup of sugar for every 2 cups of juice as I don't like things too sweet. Most recipes call for a cup of sugar for every cup of juice. This year there were lots of grapes!! 45 cups - wow! And a healthy addition of stems and the remnants from boiling - pit, skins etc to my compost bin! I was so tired after all that work!

This was a creative week in other ways. I started The Sketchbook Project and I finished my first painting! More on that later. Last week's update was my 100th post! (How did THAT happen?) And I am almost finished my 3rd book for CED2010! Finding new ones I like is so hard though. Maybe there will be something new in the stores?

That was me. How about you? How was your week? Are you doing The Sketchbook Project? If so, what is your theme? 

Hope you have a great week ahead!


  1. oh wow!!! this is wonderful!!! I love all of your wonderful pieces!!! great work!

  2. Eva,

    These are beautiful. I love, love the butterflies and your use of this medium.

  3. These are great Eva! I especially like the grape vines.

  4. Hi Eva!

    Your drawings are great - I love the bright colors of you butterflies & your elaborately patterned, giant hat wearing babe is so much fun!

    p.s. I love your take on "I'm sorry I forgot"...
    (You don't like peas - Brilliant! hee hee)
    I can't wait to see more!

  5. Hi Eva!
    I instantly loved the Mad Hat-tress.
    But I love how the jelly jar turned out, too.
    The way you could see the glass imprints, I am impressed! I bet you can paint water! I need your expertice on that. How on earth did you accomplish that?
    I am also loving your butterflies and the moon.

    And is that just some random guy...he is beautiful...but I guess random and celebity mean the same thing to me :/

    Sunday post again? I'm in.


  6. Wow! Your drawings are great - and one for each day of the week!

  7. Thanks so much everyone@

    @priti.lisa Sunday works for me Lisa!! Amazingly that random gut is Steve Carrell. Didn't quite capture him! Looking at the photo I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. Oh well! I thought the jelly jar need those imprints! I just pressed harder with the pastels.

    Paint water....hmmm not so sure. I did some during that Fake Journal in April. Sort of okay.
    So looking forward to seeing what you do next!


Looking forward to hearing from you!