25 October 2010

EARTH and her Creatures (Mostly)

Have you ever had those weeks where you misplace something, find it, misplace it, find it, misplace it, find it....etc etc? That was my week. It interfered with my CED2010 progress. I did get my daily creations done but because of misplacing my book - not all on the exact days. Mostly I thought about the EARTH theme this week until other ideas took over. 





Friday: I went to the ballet with my friend Carole and the opening scene had the ballerinas silhouetted against a gorgeous blue background. This sketch doesn't really capture it but it was inspiring!

Saturday: Another backdrop from the ballet. There were no rats but I loved the tunnel and its surroundings!


That was my (disjointed) week. I also created 2 page spreads for the Sketchbook Project and have been working on creating a paper and presentation for a conference this weekend.

This time next week I will be out of town, so while I will continue to create, I am unlikely to check in as usual on Monday. It will be probably be on Saturday the 6th as I get caught up. Hope you have a great week! (Or two.)  I will try to visit if I can. 


  1. I love your Monday and Wednesday drawings. And, sounds like the ballet was fun! enjoy your week! xxoo

  2. Love the image for your disjoined week! There is still balance in the unknown and chaos:)

  3. Beautiful images, love the colours in the Thursday and Friday drawings :)

  4. Lovely images...I think it's great you do the daily creative work...sometimes it's hard to keep up with...even if I don't misplace my notebook :)

  5. what a great way to share your week! very creative of you.

  6. Festive Eva! A little bit of this and that can be lots of fun! The shape of the ballet dancer is particularly nice, as is the snake, and the hat lady! Mouse is cool too! I'd say you had a successful CED week!

  7. Sunday's picture is great - funky & interesting. Your rat looks really cute & I loved the pattern you used on the snake.

    Well done for keeping creative through a difficult week; very inspiring!

    Kat X

  8. wonderful to see each and every one of these. Funny how things can disappear for a while.

  9. Hi Eva
    Great that you keep it up even though you are busy. Love the Sunday one - I had to laugh. Quirky but great. A nice slice of life... somewhere... Have a nice week/weeks. Take care, Evelyn


Looking forward to hearing from you!