24 October 2010

Sunday Sketching 24Oct2010 SBP The Mice and String Theory

Still combining my Sunday Sketching with my efforts on the Sketchbook Project. So far, I continue to have ideas for my theme of "I'm sorry I forgot you" but it IS a challenge with 30 pages remaining. Thanks again to my friend Ann who brainstormed with me during our dinner conversation last week. I hesitate to use my totally depressing "forgotten"  ideas - they are far from inspiring. Finding "lighter" ideas is far more difficult!  

On that lighter note, here are my two sketches this week. (As always double-clicking on these pencil sketches makes them clearer)

Have you ever tried this strategy to remember someone or something?

Looking forward to seeing your Sunday Sketches this week with Blue Chair Diary!


  1. I doubt I would remember anything if I tie a string on my finger - nice drawings

  2. oh ha ha ha! The first one made me chuckle, I think i did that to my mom once, too back in the 2nd grade...she wasn't too happy. cute sketch, very clever!
    love the knot around the finger, good job on the hand and fingernails!!! maybe i need to do that, i have been very forgetful lately...

  3. Funny mouse sketch!! Reminds me of when I caught a mouse when I was pet sitting a neighbour's cat, took it home and presented it my Mum asking if we could keep it as a pet. She was not amused! I hid it in a shoe box but she found it and made me take it over the field!

  4. Great ideas and the sketches are perfect.

  5. Great sketches - so clever... I know I say it every week, but I truly don't know how you keep coming up with such fun ideas for your topic - it must be a challenge!

    (My memory is so bad these days I wouldn't be able to draw with all of the string I'd need to tie on my fingers! hee hee)


  6. I am so enamored of this project. It gives me panic attacks, though, thinking of you HAVING to come up with a daily on-topic sketch. I couldn't do the string thing. Invariably, I would need the string to tie back my hair and then forget where I placed the string. :) Have a great week.

  7. I like the idea of sketching every day, and have promised myself that I would do just that. I enjoyed your sketches. Have been wondering about the sketchbook project; will have to read up on that. Keep up the good work.

  8. Love that string around the finger. I have a braded one I made that I wear on my left hand that reminds me of my best friend and the love between us. I actually got that from the movie, "The Count of Monte Cristo". :)

    Again, kudos to you for keeping up with your sketchbook committment. I MUST get my toosh rolling! :) Hugs!

  9. Really cute, you are doing well coming up with ideas! :) ~Lauren

  10. sticky notes....every where....haha. nice pic!

  11. Hi I'm a new follower from sunday sketches. Very cool to stumble upon a fellow Sketchbook Project participant. Love your theme although I can see how you're worrying about being too dark or negative. I think you should just do what's in your heart. If you go to the project's home page they show a lot of uploaded sketchbooks and many of them are dark or sad. Have a great rest of the week.
    Jenn from justaddwatersilly.com

  12. Eva? I wonder if I published my other comments...
    You, my friend, are doing some fabulous work here.
    I love the addition of the string...I love texture...and that hand is really, really good.

    I say, go dark...it is a part of you...let it out.
    After all you have been through...just in the last season...I think the dark pages would be healing, and true...and from truth comes beauty.
    Love to you!

    In case I flubbed up on publishing my comments...
    Would it be OK if I put that squirrel sketch on my blog (with credit to you, of course) So true to my life...
    I may be repeating myself, but, St. Anthony? Are we soul sisters???

  13. I am participating on the Sketchbook Project, too. How nice to meet another participant. I liked very much tha "reminder: sketch. I am the one that will forget the reason on the string attached to my finger!

  14. Ha ha very nice the sketch with the mice, i only hope noone do something like that to me because i'm afraid those little creatures :)
    I also find useful the string round the finger! Very nicely drawn the hand!!

  15. How about all the things forgotten over years past? Like my favorite knit wool fisherman's cap, or the time you were supposed to tell someone about that leak but didn't. Or your inhibitions after too much tequila. Or the multiple pens, left behind over the years. That could be amusing. Lined up all in a row, lost pens.


Looking forward to hearing from you!