14 January 2011

2011 Art Journal Page 2 "Flowers of Propulsion"

I have my Word of the Year. PROPEL.  This led me to think about what is it that I can do to propel forward. And how I could use my art journal to play with these thoughts. 

This is what I came up with - my "flowers of propulsion".

All the flowers are collaged images of propellers and my writing encircles them. I'm not sure if this is the right way to do an art journal page. Or even if there is a right way. But I am hoping it will be a good way to visually think through ideas and questions. 

Do you journal? Art journal? What works best for you? Is writing important?

Trying to get the rhythm of this.... so far it's fun and intriguing!


  1. Okay, I just wrote an amazing response which blogger just ate (I am claiming brilliance since my words are gone ...)

    I love the word and image of Propel - a fantastic guide for the year!

    And in answer to your query about art journaling, my 6 year old says it best "there is no wrong way to do art."

    When I started journaling, I was dismayed to see Real Art Journals and think mine looked nothing like theirs. Thankfully, I connected with someone who inspired me to continue doing things my way. I found it best to just adopt a spirit of curiosity, play, and experimentation when it comes to my pages. I tend to start with an image and then words come. I usually don't write a lot but find a phrase or song lyric emerges from the piece and the whole captures whatever I am processing that day. Sometimes text comes first and then I "illustrate" it but not often. My heavy left brain makes the former process more effective for me.

    All that to say - anything goes! And I love your propeller flowers! I look forward to seeing your journal unfold ...

    ♥ xo Lis

  2. Lisa ... I have been journaling --- the writing/self-discovery kind of journaling -- for many many many years. I love to see art journals and I guess I am working on them in my own way. There really is a very broad range of "types" of art journals. At present, I continue to write in one journal, do scratchbook/worksheet kind of art or art-therapy "exercises" in a spiral-bound sketchbook, AND I am "altering" old books in some combination of collage/paint/stamping.

  3. What a great idea for the flowers!
    It's your journal - you make the rules! There is no wrong way to do it :)

    My sketchbook/art journal has always been an all-in-one... I keep drawings, paintings, writing, notes, project ideas, photos, my calendar, (even glued in ticket stubs) all in one book.

    I can't wait to see what else you do in yours - have fun!


  4. Oh I really like that. That's brilliant Eva. What ag reat way to show PROPEL!! Keep it up!


Looking forward to hearing from you!