09 January 2011

George the Giraffe wasn't so sure about skating after all...

My challenging "I'm sorry I forgot you..." themed Sketchbook Project is finally finished and mailed off to the Art House Co-op in Brooklyn! Yay!! So my Sunday Sketching has lost its forced focus. What to do now? I'm free! (And lost and confused! lol)

Actually, I was inspired by a lot of different challenges this week. First I saw Inspiration Avenue's Weekly Challenge theme of "Colour" (I know the spelling has changed and Americans don't like U(s) but like many Canadians, I do. So while I am usually a meticulous speller, some of my words still deliberately have U's in them).  I immediately thought PURPLE.  My Word of the Year is PROPEL and those two words seem to be meant to go together for me!  

Next I read Mr. Toast bi-weekly theme of "scarf".  Hmm purple scarf... And I always love Sophia's Sunday Sketching, CED2011 and enjoy Dan's Web of Whimsy. This whimsical image of a giraffe attempting to skate started to creep into my mind...

And became much clearer with the addition of the colour PURPLE!! (Dang, that photocopier makes purple look like deep blue!)

This is my submission to all of these incredibly inspiring websites and challenges!! 

One of the things I want to do more of in 2011 is art journaling (and painting - on canvases vs on paper). I am working on an art journal page to help me brainstorm ideas of things that might help propel me forward OR help me to propel others forward. Participating in these challenges is one great way to do that!

I am looking forward to seeing what you have created for one or other of these! If you haven't visited the others, please do. There are great people with wonderfully creative ideas and fabulous art in each of them!

What else do you enjoy participating in?

I look forward to seeing what you've been up to creatively!!


  1. Hi Eva, I love your giraffe, what a great idea and so interesting to hear where you got the inspiration from. So funny where simple words and ideas can take us. I really love the sketch, you can see that your sketch book project has really given your sketches and art your own unique style, I like how loose and relaxed the sketch is. The finished piece is too cute and those eyes are great well done!

    Thank you for your visit and your purchase through my shop I'm so flattered that you liked my art box, that was the first of many to come!!!
    Have a great week :0)

  2. This is a marvelous addition to the whimsy selection this week - thanks so much for joining in again - very fun illo

  3. I love the giraffe.....so very cute :o)

  4. This is is so cute! great idea too - and I love the purple scarf. Good for you capturing so many challenges in one painting!


  5. this is brilliant Eva! And very original.

  6. Oh Eva I love this!!! This is so adorable! What a great illustration! Congrats on finishing your sketchbook!

  7. cute sketch...its hard enough on two legs much less four....yikes...love the huge scarf...

  8. this is adorably cute!! fun how different meme's can inspire a piece in ways we never dreamed.

  9. What an inspired piece of multi-tasking and love the thought of the poor old giraffe slippering and sliding everywhere! At least his neck is both warm AND stylish!!

  10. What a fun painting! and I like your choice of words for the year! I should do that too. :)

  11. Awwww, I LOVE George and more so as my youngest's treasured toy is George Giraffe! However I feel he may need a purple scarf and skates now :) Just lovely!

  12. Aw what a sweet painting - he is adorable! I think the purple is perfect - gives your painting a nice depth of colour and focal point!
    PS I'm from England so I also spell colour correctly ha ha! ;)

  13. What a sweet sketch! Congratulations on finishing your sketchbook project.

  14. I love the "whimsy" and lightness of your work, has such a sense of magic and hope to it...I too suffered from post skecthbook depression, so i started another with a perosnl theme I chose for myself..I decided that I am always going to have one little sketchbook going on t he side with a theme from now on...I miss my Brooklyn one but it was time to send her out into the world! Maybe you could have a George skecthbook?! where larns all sorts of new things on every page?

  15. Very clever! I'm glad he doesn't have a sore throat under that muffler!

  16. I see what you mean, Eva. The color may be off to you, but it looks lovely on my monitor. And I love the playfulness of your art. What a great piece for the IA Challenge.

  17. Hi, hi the ice seems not to be the right place for your little giraffe

  18. Congrats on finishing your sketchbook! :)
    I really like your giraffe. You did a fab job on it.

  19. I am in awe of you, Eva! First to imagine a giraffe in iceskates with a scarf (and hat) and of course he fell, lol...just like I did in the driveway yesterday! BUT. Not only can you dream these things up you can draw them! So very well, too! Fantastic! I bow to you, your brain and your talent.
    Congrats on finishing the SBP! I am down to the wire, but I will finish..XoXX

  20. what a cute giraffe! I love how he is "skating" on the ice with his scarf and hat :)

  21. oh what a cute cute Giraffe!!! lovely work and I love seeing the sketch and the colour piece!!!

  22. This painting makes me smile :)

    So lovely :)



  23. Congrats on finishing your sketchbook! I'm impressed!! Love the giraffe, and the scarf is the perfect touch! nancy

  24. how clever, and yes it made me smile, too! Love it! xxoo

  25. This is definitely one of my favourite pieces of yours ever! I love George - he is completely adorable, especially in his skating attempts. I want to see more of George. Maybe he can have a whole series of adventures.

    Kat X

  26. Very sweet giraffe! I've been working on giraffes this last week too! Mine are in a warmer climate than your fella though.

  27. George looks great! (I can totally relate - that is how I look on the ice too... well, without the height... and long neck... and spots...and four legs... maybe I don't look so much like George after all, but I think you know what I mean! hee hee)

    Love your word.


  28. Congrats to your complete sketchbook project too!

    Love your whimsy art. :-D I was also looking for some new challenges too. Actually, I have one that I have to complete after the sketchbook. I have postponed it for too long. It's called Drawing Lab Challenge. Will post about it soon :-)

    Happy Creative Day!

  29. cute and funny1 LOL. I'm adding it now too for CT montage as, although used for others, it was specifically using the theme as noted. Thank you. :)

  30. How cute! yes, a giraffe would indeed need a very long scarf! Love this, Eva!

  31. Eva....I am seriously under the influence of your brain washing!!!! :) Here was me thinking I plucked the giraffe with the scarf out of my own mind...but now it seems I am clearly under the power of your suggestion!!!! I now remember seeing this goregous picture a week or two ago!
    Oh well....I am happy it is you that is brainwashing me :)heehee! xx

  32. HaHa, how wonderfully cute this giraffe looks all twisted up in his scarf.... Hope he doesn't fall down completely....These are darling sketches you are doing that really think outside the box.


Looking forward to hearing from you!