02 April 2011

Self Portrait on New April Art Journal

I am starting a new art journal for April. (For at least April - it only has 30 pages but it might take me longer to fill depending on my time available, inspiration and whether I use both sides of the pages!) I looked at it and decided I wanted to paint the cover (or most of it) immediately. Maybe I should try to incorporate Inspiration Avenue's weekly challenge of "Self Portrait"

It does look like a slimmer, younger version of me out walking in my golf shirt and skort! I have been thinking about restarting Julia Cameron's book Walking in this World: The Practical Art of Creativity and wanting to walk more, now that the weather is more conducive - thus the my journal's title. I am really liking these Strathmore books and am keeping the picture as it reflects my "Word of the Year" so well!

(Original Cover)

There are several other challenges that I am loosely participating in with this journal that maybe you haven't seen and might be interested in? Julie Balzer at Balzer Design has an Art Journal Every Day "challenge" running on Flickr. Kristin Donovan of Journaling Saves is doing a "creative expedition" based on the Julia Cameron book - which is what gave me this idea. Also there is the ongoing Sketchbook Challenge. Check them out if you like to journal!


  1. Hi Eva,
    Great self portrait.
    I am doing an on going Julia Cameron's Walking In the World. Sometimes I revisit the tasks or just do things from my wish lists. Doing morning pages, art dates and walking is always great.
    Thanks for the info on the others sites you mentioned too.

  2. Hi Eva. Love your journal. It would be fun to do this but finding the time makes it hard. That's why I only join one challenge at a time. Sounds interesting though. I will check out the sites. I know about Inspiration Avenue, it's always fun to visit the blogs. Have a great weekend.

  3. Lovely journal page, self portrait! You are keeping so creatively busy. Nice. Thanks for all the links.
    Happy IA Sunday. ~Theresa

  4. I love this new personalized sketchbook cover! (I think it's fabulous that you kept the photo.)

    I'm looking forward to seeing how you fill this up...


    p.s. Bob will be happy to hear that you're a golfer :)

  5. LOVE this- and the words are perfect! What a great idea to keep the photo!
    I also really like the pose you gave yourself- like you're ready to embrace anything that comes your way- be it challenging or not!

  6. I like this cover you've painted and love the 'walking in my world'. This is the second blog I've visited today that has mentioned Strathmore journals - before today I'd not heard of them. I wondered whether to begin a new journal for my TIC TOCC challenge - I may do - any excuse to buy stationery. LOL.

    Kat X

  7. It really works with your word of the year! I like it a lot. The wind power mills always remind me of my native country where we have lots of them.
    Thanks for all the links - I'll check them out.

  8. I love that you incorporated the original cover into your new cover. It's perfect for your "walking in my world" theme.

  9. fun to see your self portrait. I have never done one but look forward to it soon.


Looking forward to hearing from you!