02 June 2011

Paint Party Friday - Week 12 - A Flower

Tough week for painting for me. I was busy with other things most of the week though I did paint a few things and hated most of them. Not sure they can be saved or not. Sigh. I did like this even though I added too many leaves in the wrong places...

Can't decide if I like it better vertical or horizontal... which do you prefer?

I also painted the second index card for ICAD - the challenge that I started earlier this week.

Not very productive .... oh well. How about you? I look forward to seeing what you did for Paint Party Friday!


  1. I like both flowers as well as your branch with the small flowers. It's not easy painting/drawing flowers. They look pretty good. Happy PPF!

  2. I like your flower horizontally, don't really know why, I just do. It is a really pretty color too. I think two paintings however small is pretty productive! Happy Paint Party Friday!

  3. This is the perfect Spring to Summer post! Your flowers make me smile!

    You have created such great texture in your pink flower - and so versatile... I think it works well either way!


  4. I like it horizontally without being able to tell you why. I am not very good at painting flowers myself. The index card is lovely, reminds me of the lake I spent an hour at this evening.

  5. Your output continues to surprise us! Well Done!

  6. I like the flowers, I hardly ever do flowers I did poppies once & no one could tell what they were LOL I live these esp the purple tiny ones, cute :)

  7. I love the horizontal, and the branch is so sweet.

  8. I like the horizontal too. I wasn't productive this week either. Your index card is lovely. Happy PPF!

  9. I like it horizontally, too. Love the colors. I've not been very productive with a brush, but I have with a spade! (planting flowers!!)

  10. i like this flower, you've really got the ruffly texture of a carnation going on there. i prefer it horizontal it seems to look like it belongs that way to me!

  11. I like the horizontal one better if it helps at all. :) And the index card is lovely.

  12. Like most vertically .. do not know why, really good work. Saludos

  13. Loving your flower either way as they look so different which is half the fun. Happy PPF, Annette x

  14. Horizontal - look how productive you were, two paintings out of one! ♥ Rosie

  15. Horizontal definitely! It's pretty with a lovely soft texture.

  16. Me too, horizontal is the way to go! And I really like the composition and colors of your index card.
    Happy PPF,

  17. I like both directions of the flower. Lovely branch as well. I also did not get much accomplished this week, one that I tossed about halfway through.

  18. Add me to those who say horizontal. Is creates the illusion of filling the space better horizontally even though it is actually no different.
    Good job! Thanks, for PPF.

  19. I love your flowers! Not a great day for me yesterday I tossed three cards into the trash by my desk in various stages of completion. It was just one of those days for me. Finally I got a couple that I accepted, but didn't love...:-)

  20. Horizontal gets my vote and I can only see a hint of the leaves behind; they're very shadowy so I don't get the feeling of too many.

  21. Not very productive? You have two paintings to show! :) Your flowers are wonderful. I LOVE the color and texture of the first painting. Horizontal would be my vote, as well. Your index card says beautiful spring morning to me with all of those gorgeous colors.

  22. oh wow...i thought your flower was a photo at first glance!Really love the contrast against the black....and I can only just makes out the leaves on my screen so not overdone at all!
    Looks like you've been productive to me :)x

  23. I like it horizontally, for some reason it seems to make the background leaves are more noticeable.

  24. Hi Eva...gorgeous pieces..i love nature so much and both your works are fabulous...i loooove the huge magnficent flower...so meditative..i truly love looking at it both ways..because they both carry different vibe and energy..and I love that about art...it si beautiful howvere you are drawn to it..I also love the leaves..I think you did a fab job...I find flowers so symbolic and inspirational..so i really love it..and the colors too! we are both flower-kindreds this week! Beautiful!!
    Happy wkd..enjoy and shine on my friend!

  25. Hi Eva- lovely flower...the colors all look great..and brush strokes create some really nice movement in there too. Happy PPF!

  26. I like your flower horizontal...and it's nice.

  27. Eva, I think your flower painting is so pretty, and I prefer it Horizontal for some reason. I also like your painted index card, and now I am curious and have to check out what that's all about. Hope you have time to paint this weekend and coming week. Happy PPF!

  28. Hi Eva! I like the Dahlia(?) better on the horizontal...I think your flowers are wonderful! I know I said it before, but flowers are sooo difficult for me, you do a fantastic job, I think.

  29. I like the horizontal better and the little branch with buds is nice too. HAPPY PPF!

  30. You were a whole lot more productive that I was this week! I wanna give it a go with painting flowers too!

    Happy PPF!

  31. I am thinking horizontal also!!! Love the color!!! Happy PPF!!!

  32. I'm not going to rock the boat...I like horizontal too! The funny thing is, I can't really say why. But it looks perfectly natural to be horizontal. I love the cheerful orange against the dark background. And your flowered branch is so graceful!

  33. I think you did a lot in a busy week. Sometimes it's so hard, isn't it?! I like your flower horizontal, I think, but it's pretty either way. Love that color. And your index card branch is lovely!

  34. i had a slow week in my artwork also!! i love the pieces you did get to do!
    happy PPF!

  35. I like it horizontal too. I think its great that you get to make that choice though!

  36. I love the flower both ways but I like horizontial best,, thankyou for visiting today,, such kind words,

  37. love the texture in this, I like it horizontally the best.

  38. Looks like your going to go with horizontal by the way everyone voted. I say be a rebel and paint it vertical! ;)
    Pretty flower any way!

  39. Horizontal has my vote for the first one. Love it! The colors remind me of a popular Miami fruit, mamey. :)

    The index card is so springlike...very pretty!

    Happy Saturday, amiguita! :)

  40. Horizontal! Beautiful colors!Happy ppf!

  41. Horizontal! :) I think the flowers can be "saved". That's the beauty of painting--you can always work back in. Happy PPF!

  42. Horizontal! No explanation, they just look right that way.

  43. Two finished pieces are a whole lot more than nothing! :)
    That index card is so delicate and elegant.

  44. Love the color...definitely horizontal!Happy PPF even if a bit late. take care, gerri

  45. Lovely colors! I like the horizontal! :)


Looking forward to hearing from you!