01 June 2011

Using my Pile of Index Cards - ICAD - 2 ways

As if I don't have enough things to do....

This week, I came across Daisy Yellow's summer challenge of an Index Card a Day - ICAD. And since I have a PILE of index cards on my desk.... this idea resonated with me. So I am playing along - 2 ways. 

The first will be as a fun and silly art experiment - and here is Day One:

Playing with zen doodles again...

And why, you may ask - do I have a pile of Index Cards on my desk? These cards are part of a system I use to keep myself organized. My friend Priti Lisa thinks I'm organized (um thanks Lisa!) and sometimes I am though other times I can be wildly out of control - you should see my house (and garden) at the moment. When I am organized though, I give all the credit to Index Cards and this book: Sidetracked Home Executives(TM): From Pigpen to Paradise. It suggests breaking all your tasks down into doable portions and making index cards for each. And then take out a card and do a task. Write down the date and put it away for a day, a week, a month, a year or more - depending on the task. Here are a few of my cards:

Time to do this one again!

Back on Track today!

So this is the second way I will participate in this challenge. I plan to do AT LEAST one task-related Index Card A Day! (Today I did about 10 - maybe I will start making progress again!)

Want to play along? One way or the other?


  1. Interesting way to use note cards. Hmmm...might have to try that as I like to keep my life/things organized!

    Love your zen doodles. I know I've said it before, but one of these days I really need to sit down and give it a try. :)

  2. oh what a great idea...i love the zen doodles, too! I agree with sophia, one day i must sit down to do that!

  3. First of all, I love your Zen doodles! Secondly, what a great idea with the cards. It wouldn't work for me, though, because I would have to make a card telling me to make cards, and I would most likely forget to do it. Oh well, guess I will just have to keep muddling through my tasks. :-)

  4. That is a great challenge!! You can get so much done! Draw, or organize!!
    I love zen doodles! That is amazing!! I hope SOMEDAY to be half as good!!!

  5. Lovin the zen doodles! What a great idea for keeping yourself organized too!


  6. Loving your zen doodle, but the files...sorry just could not bring myself to do that, life is too short...........lol Annette x

  7. Your zen doodles are such a super fun way to use index cards! The cleaning... not so much. (But still a good idea :)


    p.s. Your kitchen card made me laugh out loud (love your caption)!

  8. What a fun idea and I love your zen doodle!!!


Looking forward to hearing from you!