... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

08 May 2011

Sunday Sketching - Ideas Flying at Me

When I was on a plane last week, I was reading Stephen Pressfield's new book Do the Work (free on Kindle! Pressfield is great at helping with all the "resistance" that inhibits artists of any kind from producing well) and at one point I just felt compelled to stop and take out a pencil and start sketching. 

All kinds of ideas flying my way. (As always double-clicking shows off pencil work better.)

I'm not sure what more I'm going to do with this but I suspect I will redo it in my journal and paint it. (I drew it in my travelling moleskine journal and I really don't like the paper quality.) And then I will likely write thoughts on it too.

Hope you all had a great few weeks of Sunday Sketches while I was away! Happy Mother's Day!!


  1. Great sketch, love all light bulbs (ideas) around the girl.

  2. Cute sketch Eva, and I'm glad you are participating again in SS! Happy Mother's Day!!

  3. Lovely sketch! Are those light bulby flying around you? Love the header with the robin in wellington boots, too!

  4. Ooh thank you for the link - it's free on Amazon.co.uk too I shall read that later. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece :D

  5. lovely creative sketch, I think you are really growing as an artist. Happy Mom's day to you too.

  6. Happy MOther's day... I see you were highest bidder on my waterdancers! thanks so much for bidding, it's for such a good cause. I'll get that right out to you soon!

  7. happy mother's day! this is a cool idea i love it! you should put it on a mug when you color it! xxoo

  8. Sounds like a good read to me!

    In answer to your comment on my blog re PPF... well, I'm taking my camera and laptop...so you never know! Actually really hoping to show off my work on your site on Friday.

  9. This is such a fun and joyful piece, yea for inspiration!

  10. Hope your MD was happy and sunny, Eva...
    I have so many lightbulbs in my head, I hope I make it into my 90's with my health and wits like your dad so I can get half of them done :)
    I am REALLY digging that tree...I just dont think I have the patience for all that dotting...maybe it's worth a try in my art journal. You have grown so much Eva..at painting and blogging...
    You rock girlfriend!

  11. How fun...amazing when inspiration strikes...flying high!

  12. Sounds like a great book. Your sketch is great. I can see you were inspired for sure. Happy Mother's Day~ :-)

  13. I love doing some free sketching every now and then. Thank you for sharing the information about the Kindle book. Going to check it out.

  14. Love the movement in this Eva can't wait to see it painted!!! :0) This is a very fun piece!!!!! xoxo

  15. sweet sketch.

    thanks for your visit and letting me my SS link didn't work.

    hope your day is sweet!


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