Year 2 of Painting regularly! Still hard to believe at times.... It is so much fun to share the painting experience with all of you at
Paint Party Friday! It definitely helps to keep me painting.
One of the things I often admire are abstracts. They look so easy and yet for me to create, seem so challenging! So this week I bought a few canvas boards to just try and play around with creating an abstract painting. Of the three I started, this one feels finished to me:
Abstract #1 by EVA
I even like it sitting in my living room. A black frame might go nicely...
I also did some more work on a WIP I started earlier this year. This is where I left it:
WIP - Feb2012
This is where I am now:
Wheat Fields - WIP?
Is it finished? I am not sure and could use your advice. (What amazing advice I have had from everyone on previous occasions. Thanks again!)
I printed out several photocopies and started playing with ideas. What do you think of its future? As is? Or with one of the following variations?
With birds? (I think I am leaning towards these.)
Or hills?
Or both?
With pine trees?
With deciduous trees?
With a cabin?
Or something else? I'd love your advice and feedback! Thanks!
Hope you have a great time at
PPF and had fun painting this week!