... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

18 March 2012

Sunday Sketches - Sketching with Sharpies

I started (another) new journal this week - a little Strathmore Visual Journal to create "Sharpie" art. I first saw Sandy Coleman use Sharpies to create art and I thought I'd give it a try for Sunday Sketches with Sophia at Blue Chair Diary.

Skipping the pencil and just playing with the pens. here are a few that I have done so far...

"Psychedic Joy"
(that lighter yellow is the green below - odd the colours didn't scan better)


I'm finding these fun so far! Hope you have a great day and I will visit when I can which may be a bit late if it is as gorgeous a day as forecast!.


  1. Markers can be great for art. We were supposedly trained to use them in graphic design school, but I never really got the 'graphic designer' look in my attempts.

    Groovy choice of colours in your first one. That pink needs to be scraped off my retinas it is so bright against that bright yellow :D

    Your frog looks lonely. He needs a friend. Go draw some more :D

    Best wishes,

  2. I enjoy markers, too! Sharpies are fun. Love the frog - happy sunday!

  3. Eva ~ fun sketches ~ love the colors ~ it is all good ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  4. Before I read your post I looked at the first picture and thought "such a happy painting" :) The frog is too cute. Have a great Sunday!

  5. i can see that they would be fun, they look fun. i am told the ink inside of 'paint sharpies' is acrylic paint.

  6. love your sharpie art, the colours are so bold and defined!

  7. I used to love my felt tip pens when I was a girl. The green and blue always ran out first - sky and grass!! Froggie looks very knowing.

  8. Love the Ribbit...I can't get coloured sharpies here in France... boo hoo :)

  9. Love the little "Ribbet". He's so adorable!

  10. I love skipping the pencil and going straight into the pen and these are so lovely and bright... makes me want to head out and get some coloured sharpies...xx

  11. Cool Whip! I love you psychedelic hippie chick!

  12. I love your Psychedic joy. Love all those bright colors and the way your design dances with the girl silhouette. It makes me really happy!!!
    Happy Sunday!


  13. Looks like both you and she were having fun!!!!
    Froggie is delightful too.

  14. Love the bright colors! Markers are made for fun :0)

  15. sharpies are great, my daughter was working with them yesterday all afternoon, somehow they help us take ourselves less seriously!

  16. Wow..brilliant and beautiful....what a totally fabulous post!!!

  17. Oh! How funny! I just today read 3 blogs talking about that Visual Journal - including my own, lol!
    I really love what you did here - and LOVE the idea of your using sharpies for their bright pop of color! xoxo

  18. YEAH!!! I am your 100th follower!!! And to be honest, I thought I was already following, but when I saw you needed just one more, I checked to make sure. Yeah for triple digits! xoxo

  19. Hello Eva

    I am new member of your PPF...I have been seeing the wonderful works of Gloria, got inspired and joined...finally :) I am glad to be part of your PPF journey. I have added my entry for the first time and am totally excited :)

    Warm Wishes


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