... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

13 March 2011

Sunday Sketches and my Mexican Sketchbook

I'm baaacckkk.... and I missed you, fellow Sunday Sketchers with Blue Chair Diary!

I had a lovely week on the Mayan Riviera and relaxed. I didn't turn on my blackberry or connect to the internet (or the office) once. I did however take some art supplies with me and spent a little time creating a Mexican resort themed Sketchbook. So my submissions today are some of the things I saw when in Mexico. I did do some snorkeling but it was much windier than I expected and there were either yellow or red flags on the beach - no calm water green ones. So not as much snorkeling as I would have hoped for but enough to make me smile and enough to see new (to me) creatures.

Here are a few of my sketches of what I saw:

A Sting Ray sleeping in the sand, partially covered! He was @ 4 feet wide! Saw 3 in different areas!

A charming sea turtle swimming along and grazing on the sea bottom. 

A leopard ray as graceful as a bird in flight. I don't really know if this ray is called that but his spots were very reminiscent of a leopard's.

And these are what I took with me for creating:

New Sketchbook (now about half full now and I have more ideas from the trip to finish it up later this month! More posts with pictures to follow!)

Paints and water brushes (LOVE these brushes!!!)


I am looking forward to visiting all of you but I have friends visiting from B.C. so I'm not sure how much internet time I will have or when, but visit I will! 

I hope all of you who are interested in painting more will come and paint and party with Kristin and I starting on Friday (March 18th) for our new Paint Party Fridays!!!

We're excited to have you join us!!



  1. how nice!! ohhh I enjoyed seeing the pictures (ALL of them) :) very nice sketches! I love sea life!

  2. Wow, Mexico, you lucky girl... I love your sketches and I'm so jealous that you saw in real life a sea turtle... I agree those water brushes are fantastic, I take mine everywhere... I've grabbed a Paint Friday button... great idea...

  3. Love it! I can't wait to see more! http://thelunaticsdiary.blogspot.com/2011/03/it-came-from-lab.html My sketch

  4. Ah bliss... I booked a holiday this week too (Greek island). Bet you feel all rejuvenated. Lovely sketches and what a perfect holiday momento! I signed up for your paint party by the way!

  5. I like to take a sketch journal when I travel too. I have always said if you take a photo, you might remember something for a bit however, if you draw something, you will never forget it!

  6. So glad you had a nice trip! I agree with Akte, I really like them all....but i do love the first sketch of the ray. There's something about it...maybe the way you did the background. I am excited for Friday! xxoo

  7. Well, if you couldn't put me in your suitcase to take me with, this is the next best thing ;)

    I love seeing your vacation through sketches... beautiful.

    I was at an Arts & Crafts store yesterday and I looked for a water brush, but they didn't have any... the search continues.


    p.s. I am getting soooo excited!!!

  8. Wonderful sketches...so makes me think of beaches and white sands, and aqua blue waters of Mexico! :-)

  9. How fun to sketch your trip, would love to see what you saw. I love my water brushes also they work great. See you Friday.

  10. love the sketches - am definitely taking a sketchbook with me on my next trip!!! I have posted about your party and hope to spread the fun!!!
    cheers, dana

  11. thanks for sharing your sea creature sketches, most enjoyable. Love your new art supplies, reminds me I'm probably running out of watercolour paper.

  12. Eva I love these. They are so adorable. I'm a little envious of your trip to Mexico though. :)

  13. Welcome Back!!!
    I love the way you've framed your sea sketches...I can't wait to see more.
    Leopard Ray is a great name :)

  14. oh what a great collection!!! and I love your art supplies!!!!

  15. Sounds as though you had a wonderful time. Your sketches are fun and full of memories. I always enjoy seeing what art supplies people take when they travel!

  16. So much fun! Vacations inspire the most wonderful ideas. Lovely!

  17. wonderful sketches, makes me want to go there and draw. hope your sunday is sweet!

  18. AWESOME sketches. I absolutely love your turtle and man, you are so lucky! I want to go to MExico!

  19. Wow sounds like you had a wonderful trip. And the art you brought back with you is wonderful!

  20. Wow, it sounds like you had a lovely peaceful time! Wonderful sketches, especially like the turtle!

  21. These are all lovely paintings and I am jealous of your trip and your lovely lovely art supplies! What a great combo! Sounds like you had a great time - so happy for you!

    Thanks for the sweet comment too!


  22. Wow, I can tell you had a good time on your vacation! Your sketches are wonderful, I especially love the turtle!xoxo

  23. lovely! I love seeing peoples travel sketches :)

  24. Love the sea turtle - so cute. I have one of those water brushes & those fine liners - they are both great products & handy for travelling. Glad you had a good holiday.

    Looking forward to Friday!
    Kat X

  25. Hi Eva how lovely that you took us all on holiday with you! :0) I love your sketches you saw some beautiful creatures and so nice that you have been able to remember them in this way!!!! LOVELY work! :0)

  26. Are those brushes with water inside? I have similar ones - love them, great for travelling. Have a great time with your friends.

  27. I so love everything about the sea... and its inhabitants. Thanks for sharing such fabulous explorations. Your drawings are wonderful.

  28. Wonderful sketches and how nice to just switch off!

  29. Great sketches and I love those watercolor paints and the brushes. Awesome. See you Friday.


Looking forward to hearing from you!