... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

20 March 2011

Sunday Sketching - Is Spring Here?

Time for Sunday Sketching with Blue Chair Dairy! I have been longing for Spring and there are some signs of it. But the ONE, the most important sign that Spring is here for me, is my first robin sighting. While I haven't seen one myself (my house and lawn are always the last to lose their snow), I have heard others say they have seen robins.  So for Sunday Sketches, I did this:

(final version)

(preliminary pencil sketch)

Maybe it might bring a robin to my house sooner! I still have some berries even if no worms may yet be accessible! And I think it is also time for my snowman to melt away until next year, so I am also making this my new header.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's sketching efforts!


  1. In Virginia there are robins everywhere! Yesterday when I went to take the dog out, one of them dive bombed my head like a scene from "The Birds!" Like you little robin with the rain boots on though! :-)

  2. Oh this robin looks just adorable in his spring time yellow boots! I love it as the blog header, too! Yes, I saw a robin yesterday....and the buds are out on my lilac tree! yay, it's spring! have a great sunday! xo

  3. Oh I opened this and thought love the new header! It has such personality! Yes we have seen Robins and i have heard Geese arriving back (though here they must think they are a month early) and the early morning spring call of the Varigated Thrush which too me means despite the chill spring is sneaking in! This Robin is cheeky, and so they are, I love his boots!

  4. I saw my first robin yesterday. I know in town people have seen them fora while. Yours is wonderful!

  5. I haven't seen any robins yet but I have to say, I love your little robin with the bright yellow boots and the luscious red berries!

    Happy Sunday!

  6. I love his yellow rubber boots! It's great as a header!

  7. oh I love when the first Robin comes for a Spring visit!!! wonderful piece and the colours are great!!!

  8. Robins are the first sign that spring is on the way here in the Carolinas and I love to see them come! Yours is so cute especially with those adorable boots he's wearing!

  9. Oh, I love this. The colors most especially. I also have a hug fondness for birds and boots. Great looking textural detail too.

  10. I always love to see and hear about the signs of spring. Nice job conveying that.

  11. Oh my gosh! Eva I love this new piece and love that you are using it for your header! I missed your paint party Friday - I don't do much with paint, but actually took some out to play with Friday, and had other things come up! Will be out of town next friday, but hopefully able to join in the friday after that! Looks like a great group!

    Thanks so much for your nice comment over at my place! You introduced me to zendoodles and I continue to use the doodling techniques I find in zen doodles in my current pieces. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    (I love his wee boots the best!)

  12. Love your Robin with the boots! Perfect for the up coming needed Spring weather. Like I said to Kristin I will definately be up for the Friday Paint challange!!! Just has been a little crazy in my household.

  13. So cute, that robin in his little yellow boots brought a big smile to my face, thanks.

  14. Love your new header... mr Robin in his boots, great idea... Thank you so much for PPF, it was a great success and as I said to Kristin, I've got the "Château Bubbly Darlings" on ice for next Friday...

  15. Love robins - so friendly. There's one in my parents' garden that always pops out to say hi to them! He looks fab in his boots!

  16. love those yellow boots, great idea to do a robin to celebrate spring.

  17. loved your snowman but as the snow in my yard (no not all gone) its time to go!!! I have seen my first Robin so hope that you will soon - love her boots!!!
    cheers, dana

  18. My husband is from the midwest and always talks ab out the robins being the first sign of spring. For me, on the West Coast, it was the almond blossoms. Cute sketch!

  19. This is so cute, I can't wait to see a robin in real life.

  20. Fantastic new header :) I saw it and it made me laugh.

  21. I absolutely adore the bright yellow rain boots!
    (It looks so great as your header too :) )


  22. I love your robin with her rain boots!
    And it makes a welcoming blog hearder.

  23. Love the rain boots to protect him from the melting snow. Great as your new header.

  24. This is a really eye catching banner...I really like the sky, in top right corner!

  25. The last few weeks here in Indiana have been so incredibly rainy and depressing. Your art brings such a smile to my face it even turned a gray day happy. Such a great piece.

  26. I love your new header, and that robin looks ready to rock in his new boots. I hope you see one of your very own soon.

  27. Your art is remarkable good. I have gone through and taken my time looking this Sat.

    I wish you had an email. I wanted to ask you something.

    You have gotten into many different art pieces. You are GOOD!


Looking forward to hearing from you!