... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

03 October 2010

Sunday Sketching for the SBP "How very unlike me"

My sketching continues in my new little moleskine for The Sketchbook Project. Participating in Sunday Sketching at Blue Chair Diary is great motivation to get something accomplished for the SBP! As many of you have noted, the pages of these Moleskines are not very thick and ink bleeds or seeps through. I skipped a page between the last sketches to avoid that but what to do with these "in between" pages? I know some people have been gluing in better paper or rebinding the book and I am so impressed with their efforts. I needed something simpler and so decided to paint the "in between" pages with gesso , then sketch and paint them.

Here is my first attempt at that:

My theme I'm sorry I forgot you is already starting to be a challenge (or the ideas I come up with are downright depressing and/or too abstract to draw). How is your sketching going? Are the ideas flowing like water? Or are they seeds that refuse to germinate?

Looking forward to seeing your sketches! Hope you have a great week!


  1. I just got my sbp and have been really marking it up. Layers layers layers : )

  2. My seeds definitely refuse to germinate. Perhaps it's the long deadline? I probably just need some pressure. Today for example, I just entered a short story competition. Closing date - tomorrow!!

  3. Eva, you and I are on the same boat...marooned at sea...
    I have just decided to forget my theme...I am trying very hard not to over-think. Which, ironically, is very much like over-thinking...Ha!
    Keep plugging away.
    I like your elephant very much!

  4. Happy Sunday, Eva...i like your elephant, very clever, infact, i love all of the sketches you have come up with for your theme, so far. they are all so creative. keep up the good work...

  5. Hello Eva,
    I thing your idea of painting the in between pages with gesso is very good and the scetch is really nice!! Why don't you try to do some collase on your moleskine pages in order to make them thicker.

  6. Eva,
    Kudos to you for sticking with this...I can't think of anything offhand to go with this theme either, so good luck. Love your elephant!

    Smiles and hope your sunday is going well!

  7. I love your elephant! I had to glue several pages together in my moleskine which has given me fewer pages to paint on...but I'm glad, since I have fallen way behind on my goal of 1 sketch a week!

  8. The sketch is wonderful, that was a good idea to gesso the pages! That does seem like a difficult theme, but you seem to be doing great so far! :) ~Lauren

  9. That is a hard theme! Dont worry it will come -- its a sketch book after all - which i always think of as an ideas spot - a place to record ideas or to generate them - the sketch book will show you the way, soon!

    - sorry we are so late - was away today and smartly posted SS earlier scheduled to post today - but forgot to remind children to link! If you have time still - its linked now! Thanx! L

  10. Ha!

    You've done it again... so clever! And I love the texture of this one - the gesso prepped surface really seems to agree with you :)

    (Looking forward to more!)


  11. OMG, I absolutely love this picture mom, its so creative working on the known statement "Elephants never forget" and incorporating it into your artwork. Its very cute, and done very well

    (also Elephants are one of my favorite animals. I don't know if you knew that.)

    P.S. your award winning print has arrived. Its absolutely gorgeous and his hung right up on my wall. :)

  12. Eva, that is just too cute. I love your sense of humor in this piece.


Looking forward to hearing from you!