... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

05 December 2010

SBP - Budgies, Lawnmowers, Laundry and Wild Travelling Purses

Thanks so much to those of you who had suggestions for me last week! Please keep them coming!! (40% of the book and the cover still to go.) I tried some today and earlier in the week and managed to complete four more pages. Just over a month to go to submit to The Sketchbook Project!

Bad Birdie!!

Thanks to Kirstin Dudish for this idea! I actually did this years ago when I had a little green MGB and shockingly, my purse was still on the car when I got home! (Even the way I drive!!)

Thanks to Patrick at my office for this idea!

Thanks to my SBP partner and pal Lisa @ Priti Studios for this one!

This theme "I'm sorry I forgot you" continues to challenge me. Ideas come but many are just not drawable by me - too complex for a "snapshot" in a one page spread. How to draw it? So those sit even if they may be brilliant. Sometimes the challenge is in my drawing ability versus the complexity. Often I'll try those - the laundry line was like that. It's okay but I need to learn more about perspective. Other times the ideas are great but repetitive which I'm trying to avoid at this point. (Like feeding pets...I did dogs. I guess I could try drawing that idea with cats, fish or gerbils but the dog had the most expressive eyes!) So if you were wonderful enough to suggest an idea which I didn't use, those are most likely the reasons why I haven't (or haven't YET). Thank you so much and please keep any suggestions coming!

I'm really missing Sunday Sketches this week as Sophia is off to a Blog Tea Party in Scotland. I so enjoy seeing what everyone in the group creates every week. Oh well back to household chores or maybe I can figure out a way to draw "I'm sorry I forgot you... were having your party today".


  1. I'm still so impressed!
    Your traveling purse turned out great (how funny that it actually happened)!
    I love your new jazzy snowman header - how fun!


  2. Hi Eva, you have been busy!!! Wow!!!

    First of all great header I love your cute snow man and how he's playing the sax!!!

    I really loved your trees altogether they look so great and the christmas themed one was a great one to finish on!!! I would definately love to see you have go at one on canvas! Your sketches are so wonderful, so full of personality and quirky!! Keep up the great work!!! So nice to come and visit and catch up on everything you've been doing! :0)

  3. Love the mood of the rain one in particualr. Good job getting this done thus far, I have yet to do more than few pages!

  4. Well done with your sketch book project! You're doing very well. AND so love your bad birdie. :)

    Also thank you for visiting my blog to support my Sketch Book project. It keeps me going and glad we made connection through our blogging and artwork. :D


Looking forward to hearing from you!