... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

09 February 2012

29 Faces in February - #9

I thought I'd try something different today's face (for Ayala Art's 29 Face in February challenge) and brought out my pastels. I rarely use them because they are messy but I love their strength of colour.


  1. I don't use my pastels as much as I should either :0( Your face is great!!!!

  2. That face is full of anticipation!!

  3. I have some pastels, from memory I have only used them once to draw a duck. You may have just inspired me to drag them out and have another go.

  4. Love the colors and your face! The variation of browns in the hair is wonderful!

  5. Love all your different styles and themes. I've never tried pastels, like the brightness and depth of tones.


Looking forward to hearing from you!