... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

26 February 2012

Sunday Sketches and Days 25 AND 26 of 29 FACES

Time for Sunday Sketches with Sophia of Blue Chair Diary! And since I have continued to work on my face sketches for Ayala Art's 29 Faces in February, I actually have something to show this week...

First up is another in my Scientist Series:

Marie Curie by EVA 

This next one I sketched just using watercolours but no pencil - but I really messed up the amount of water and damaged the paper where I was trying to add shading.         :(          Oh well - this is all a learning experience!

I'll be dropping by throughout the day to see your sketches. Have a great day!


  1. such a process, enjoying the progression.. ahhh Marie Curie

  2. Watercolor is not easy. This week I riuned a drawing for using too much water...
    Amazing job with Marie Curie!

  3. Lovely portrait sketches ~ Wow! ~ I know w/c gets me into trouble sometimes too ~ yet it still looks good ~thanks for sharing ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy SS ^_^

  4. Marie looks very thoughtful, but the that was the business she was in. Brilliant scientist!
    Lovely drawing!

  5. yes, watercolor can be so prickly!
    i like your sketch of marie, too!

  6. Wow you are brave to go straight to the watercolour and it looks great too ! Super pencil sketch also.

  7. how fun that you that you painted a piece with no pencil first, i think that is a wonderful experience that can also be done with an ink pen...

    yes, nice paper is a must for paintings. so wonderful to see each of your pieces.

  8. wow-- you captured so much great detail using watercolors for your second sketch. i love your scientist series as well!

  9. Awww, very nice with the watercolour! I can't believe this challenge is almost over!

  10. Yes watercolour can run away with you sometimes but it is great fun... :)

  11. That's really impressive that you didn't use pencil for your painting. I'm hopeless without mine because I make a lot of mistakes. But your portrait came out really nicely. Also, you might want to switch to watercolor paper. It's more expensive than regular paper but at least you won't have to worry about it puckering even when you use a lot of water.

  12. Scientist series, love it! Yay for you just trying to use watercolors without a pencil drawing, I myself stay clear of watercolors!

  13. Loving your faces...watercolor's a tough one to master, but you're doing awesome!

  14. your Marie Curie has a lovely expression on her face and yes, watercolor is a trick medium! thank you for sharing,
    hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  15. Wow! You are brave. Watercolors scare me. And not pencil???? I am so impressed. It is so great to see you learning, growing and willing to challenge yourself.

  16. You really captured Marie's thoughtfulness. I like the way you did her hair in the watercolor.......Wow, no sketch first!

  17. I can't tell you how many pieces of paper I ruined.... and still do... while using watercolour's without a guide drawing, and tone with watercolour is quite a process... great fun learning though and this is pretty awesome... I wouldn't attempt skin tone without a stiff drink at hand... have a great week...xx

  18. i think you did a great job, especially since you didn't sketch it first!

  19. Marie Curie! Hooray! a woman scientist... role model. Great sketch! That buckling paper thing... yeah. One reason I eschew water media - though i've heard the really good watercolor paper prevents that sort of thing


Looking forward to hearing from you!