... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

17 February 2012

Paint Party Friday - Week 49 - Landscape WIP and Face #17

I started to paint a couple of small landscapes, now that my Nutcracker series is finished. I really like this one but am unsure if it is time to stop or if I should add more to it...

As it is now...

 I scanned and photocopied it and decided to add some loose trees ...

...possible way to finish it?

I am wondering (because I had such AWESOME advice on my Nutcrackers - THANK YOU!), what would you do next? Leave it simple? Add trees? Add something else? Want to print it off and show me what you've done?

Still working on Ayala Art's 29 Faces in February challenge and here is a painted face for #17.

Have a great time at Paint Party Friday! I will visit you when I can!


  1. Wow this is fabulous. I really like the effect of the trees too.

  2. I love the photocopy and play thing... it has saved my butt many many times... I really like the trees added and think it brings out the textures in the sky more... happy ppf xx

  3. Oh, I like the trees. I might add just a few more, but not many. It's quite lovely as it is. :)

  4. even before i saw the second pic, when i read that you were deciding whether to stop or add, i thought,maybe a few trees. then i saw what you did and thought, YES!
    thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  5. beauteous! The trees were a great touch - I love the chromatisism present. The only thing that jumps out at me is to highlight even more what looks to me like an emerging full moon in the top right corner - right now it looks like it is really wanting to pop out!

  6. The addition of the trees helps to give the viewer a place to "go". Very nice. Your faces are coming along great!

  7. Wish I could see your painting in person!
    The background texture looks really great.
    I actually like that you've not placed any trees in the center of the composition and have left it open for our eyes to explore that lovely background/sky. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  8. Love the simple landscape only suggestion... a face to follow up your awesome #17 ;)

  9. i love the colour of the sky in your landscape and although it looked good before i think the addition of the trees really adds depth to it-looks wonderful!

  10. Loving your snow scene with the trees and the moon emerging in the background, beautiful. Great David Beckam face. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  11. Really like your snowy landscape. I would keep it as simple as possible, but definitely add some trees. Walks in the snowy woods simply are the best :). I'd add some (few) bigger trees scattered in the foreground along with the smaller ones in the back, to give it more depth. Love the idea of using photocopies to try out ideas! Happy PPF!

  12. Both are great ~ love the simplicity of the landscape and your portrait is excellent ~ ! Also could you change the name of my blog on the sidebar? ~ It is now A Creative Harbor ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  13. I love your landscape - it has a wonderful feeling of space. Does it need anything else? I love it as it is.
    I like how you've done your portrait.

  14. That happens to me too - I photograph something and in the photo I see what direction I want it to go next -I really like how you added the trees. I think your sky color is fabulous it has so many subtle colors to it I don't think I'd add a thing to it!

  15. I really like your painting with the trees- it's still beautiful in it's stark simplicity, but the trees seem to finish it off.
    And I like your man- great job on his beard!
    Happy PPF,

  16. I like the simplicity of the painting with the trees. I think it is perfect just the way it is. It is a very peaceful painting. Your face is great!

  17. Your snow scene is beautiful! I can imagine a small hiker in the left corner looking out toward the scene. Or leave it just like it is so the viewer can imagine being the hiker! Its lovely either way! Your "faces" man is great too!!!Deb

  18. I agree with Alicia, I'd make that moon pop out a little more, and maybe hit the snow with a touch of metallic white or very pale blue for a little sparkle.

    The line of trees on the horizon added a great focal point, and the undulations in the snow lead your eyes to them.

  19. Maybe some animal tracks up the hills? Happy PPF!

  20. Love the color of your sky and the trees helped a lot.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook
    Happy Horse Studio

  21. I likew it with the trees!
    And your guy for the 29 faces is great. Hard to make man faces!

  22. Love the snow scene...the addition of trees were perfect. I like it simple but you could add a log cabin or some such thing if you want. The face is wonderful! :-)

  23. Very nice. I think the trees are a great addition to your landscape. They add some depth and take the eye through the composition very nicely. Good work on the face too!!

  24. It's lovely with the trees, Eva. In HS my art teacher wouldn't let us make snow white. It had to be a pale color. (lavender, gray, etc.) I had forgotten that advice and have been leaving most of my snow areas white when I watercolor, Your adding the trees was just the right touch to finish the design of the painting.

  25. I would love the effect of a lone wolf back there in the woods. Just my 'bent' on the subject. Love the painting and how it is turning out. Blessings, Janet PPF

  26. Love the sky colors and barely seeing the moon. Great.

  27. Very pretty! I think with the addition of the trees it pulls your eye upwards to see that really cool sky :)

  28. I love the simplicity of this piece,, I would say its finished, beautifully finished,

  29. Both beautiful! The snowy landscape reminds me of Italy these days! :)

  30. I like it how it is!!! Love those loose trees!!!

  31. Love the second look with the trees, I wouldn't touch a thing!

  32. beautiful landscape...some snowflakes maybe? It's lovely as is, great texture. Love your faces in colour.

  33. I never quite know when to finish, and I like your scanning idea. I will do that when I am unsure. I actually like the addition of the trees, it gives the image a bit more depth, and the few grasses are a good addition as well.

  34. Yes, I like the trees - just finish it off nicely!

  35. lovely landscape.. lovely sky and the tree. you might want to add some houses with bright yellow lights? Nice portrait too!

  36. Thanks for the photocopying idea! Brilliant.
    The trees seem to give a better idea of space and dimensions for those seeing the painting on screen.

  37. Great landscape and Face # 17 is great too. I'm running real late this week ....busy drawing faces instead of painting :0)

  38. I Eva,
    So sorry for being late, just had a wonderful weekend with hubby and then the kids and of course got a special gift from hubby that I'll have to share with everyone this coming Friday.

    I really like what you've done with your blog, luv the celestial theme and that blog header is so sweet.
    Your landscape would do well having a little bunny scampering in the field with snow fallin(little dots) but it is lovely as is. Just a thought ; )


Looking forward to hearing from you!