... exploring in my creativity further in 2022

03 April 2010



I am learning.

I am experimenting.

I am discovering that I can do more than I thought I could.

I am seeing some hints of talent.

I am developing a creative habit.

I am having fun.

I am curious as to where it will lead.

I am hoping it will lead to creativity in another area even if at the moment it distracts me.

I am enjoying a variety of media and materials.

I am quite taken with zen doodles.

I am playing with the word or perhaps the sound of  "I"...



  1. oh wow!!! what an inspiring entry and a captivating doodle!! thank you for playing with us :)

    luthien :)

  2. Eva this is very creative "I" see the "Is"...lol

  3. Wow, what an intriguing and thoughtful piece. Nice to meet you here!

  4. I ... love your submission!

    Reminds me of James Joyce flow-of-conciousness writing - intruiging! And Zen doodles - what a great concept! x

  5. Inspiring! I absolutely love your zen doodles...where did you learn to do them? This is the first time I've heard of them...

  6. Julia,

    I love the zen doodles too and it is a very zen feeling doodling them. I saw someone do one as part of CED2010 and tried one in January and have probably created at least one a week ever since. Someone posted ones like these and called them zendalas - using a CD for the circle outline. I seem to have CDs lying around in convenient spots so I have been using them to start. I gather there are no rules - just see where the lines take you and what patterns evolve! Let me know if you try one!

  7. I love your take on the challenge!

  8. This is such a beautiful interpretation of the theme- I love how simple the lines are that create such a complex effect; gorgeous! Thank you for playing with us, I hope to see you next week too! :)


Looking forward to hearing from you!