In January when I started CED2010, I decided to do my little daily creations in a lovely blank book I bought after viewing a Tiffany special exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. It had been sitting on my desk, too pretty to use, for over two and a half years. I started. Everyday I have done something in it except for 4 entries done on paper from a sketch book last week while traveling. Those sit in it now and this week I finished it! I'm shocked and amazed at this. And delighted! So this week also marks the start of Book 2.
Monday: Before completing the book, I wanted to try imitating the cover. I chose pastels. Not the same as Tiffany, but I like how it turned out!
Tuesday: Singing in my backyard...
Wednesday: Growing in my backyard...
Thursday: Today I started my second blank book for CED2010!!! This is it. Not quite as pretty as the first one but it has it's own charm. I love Rodin and Tiffany so book covers with their art are inspirational. After creating a "cover page", I started it with a variation on the zen doodles I've been enjoying creating. This one has only one , maybe two, patterns instead of the many some have had.
Friday: Seeing how the new book likes pastels...
Saturday: Daffodil from my garden...
Sunday: A volunteer pansy from my garden.. I love the happy faces of pansies!
So this was my week. Otherwise it was mixed. I think I caught something on the plane back Sunday and was under the weather much of it. I only exercised 3 times this week instead of the 5 times I have been averaging

. I did create
another Daffodil piece for
Sunday Sketching, kept up my
Fake Journal for
IFJM (such a bizarre but fascinating thing to do) and both
tried a new recipe and created one (Yam and Carrot Soup with Thyme and Coriander) with the extra ingredients bought.
What about yours? I finally caught up looking at all your amazing work on Saturday and look forward to starting again! Have a great week!